[p2p-research] P2P Foundation and Las Indias

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Fri Nov 26 16:12:51 CET 2010

2010/11/26 Sociedad Cooperativa de las Indias Electrónicas
<info at lasindias.coop>:
> Samuel, your company is really interesting for us!!
> Could you be interested in investments in Cape Verd?

At this time, Hollymead is concentrated on US-based projects.

I've heard of some investors in EU that are doing the same thing,
though, and I'll search back through my email discussions and try to
find these entities, and send them to you.

> El 26/11/10 03:51, Samuel Rose escribió:
>> Thanks for sharing that doc (Cooperation in the Age of Google), Josef.
>> Our social enterprise investing firm, http://hollymeadcapital.com is
>> working towards establishing businesses in the region that we invest
>> in as co-operatives where appropriate. I'll be sure to share this, and
>> really appreciate your passion and knowledge on the subject.

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