[p2p-research] Co-operation in the age of google

Josef Davies-Coates lists at uniteddiversity.com
Fri Nov 26 12:29:48 CET 2010

On 26 November 2010 05:59, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:

> hi josef,
> if you have time, perhaps you could report on this in more detail, as this
> announcement is quite vague about the contents?

As you've probably noticed, so far every time I've agreed to do something
like that I've far failed to do it! (I'm terrible at blogging because I get
all perfectionist and seem unable to just whack something down like I can in
email threads etc!)

Perhaps just publish this page, which is a synopsis of the report? :P

Whilst I think its great they've gone to the trouble to write it (although
they do point out it was done in quite a rush), and are asking for feedback,
I really think they need do some feedback from the people on this list. To
me it seems they don't really fully understand p2p stuff very deeply.



Josef Davies-Coates
07974 88 88 95
Together We Have Everything
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