[p2p-research] P2P Foundation and Las Indias

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Fri Nov 26 03:51:51 CET 2010

Thanks for sharing that doc (Cooperation in the Age of Google), Josef.

Our social enterprise investing firm, http://hollymeadcapital.com is
working towards establishing businesses in the region that we invest
in as co-operatives where appropriate. I'll be sure to share this, and
really appreciate your passion and knowledge on the subject.

2010/11/25 Josef Davies-Coates <lists at uniteddiversity.com>:
> 2010/11/25 Sociedad Cooperativa de las Indias Electrónicas
> <info at lasindias.coop>
>> Sorry for the delay Joseph, I was in a meeting with a client... I will
>> spend the evening studying the links. Nothing will make us happier than find
>> new peers!! Its very exciting!! Thanks a lot!!
> My pleasure. And no need for apologies.
> I think people on this list really ought to comment on that Co-operation in
> the Age of Google doe (http://www.uk.coop/ageofgoogle ) because it seems to
> me that they don't really have a deep enough understanding of p2p
> dynamics...
> As for Radial Routes, I think they are quite different from Las Indias, but
> they are a large distributed (around the UK) community of people who live/
> work in co-ops and in my experience really do practice what they preach and
> are an example of real solidarity/ community in action :)
> BTW, would Las Indias be interested in helping to turn a bit of land near
> Cuenca in Spain into an eco campsite and permaculture project? And can they
> help me set-up a Spanish co-op to whom I can transfer the ownership?
> Smiles,
> Josef.
> --
> Josef Davies-Coates
> 07974 88 88 95
> http://uniteddiversity.com
> Together We Have Everything
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Sam Rose
Future Forward Institute and Forward Foundation
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
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email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

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