[p2p-research] P2P Foundation and Las Indias

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Wed Nov 24 20:21:31 CET 2010

Thanks for creating this english version, David. Although, I think
it's also great that you use the language(s) you are comfortable with
in the project itself (the latoc languages).

Looking forward to learning more about lasindias

2010/11/24 Sociedad Cooperativa de las Indias Electrónicas
<info at lasindias.coop>:
> Dear Michel and p2p friends
> As Natalia promised, we have just finished the introduction to las Indias
> phyle's organizational model as a microwiki written in English inside our
> Indianopedia
> http://lasindias.net/indianopedia/Categor%C3%ADa:English
> On the other hand Natalia has invited today Douglass Rushkoff and Howard
> Rheingold as speakers in the Garum Day Europe (Bilbao, january 27th) and we
> are trying to get a new sponsor in order to bring Michel too.
> Garum day will probably be the most important sociotech event in an Spanish
> speaking place. It is important not just for the speakers but also for the
> selected network around (investors, foundations, libresoftware
> enterpreneurs, even chefs!!!). So... I don't know if we could get it all and
> meet all of us in Bilbao in January, but definitively we are trying to!
> Would be really great to start the phyle conversation with p2pf in these
> enviroment!!
> Un gran abrazo!
> David
> --
> Sociedad Cooperativa de las Indias Electrónicas
> Grupo Cooperativo de las Indias
> Barco, 37 - 28004 Madrid
> Florencio Escardó, 1486 - 11700 Montevideo
> http://lasindias.coop
> http://lasindias.info

Sam Rose
Future Forward Institute and Forward Foundation
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
Cel: +1-(517)-974-6451
skype: samuelrose
email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

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