[p2p-research] P2P Foundation and Las Indias

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 23 12:43:42 CET 2010

thanks a lot, and as a reminder, searching "David de Ugarte" in both the
wiki and blog search boxes will already uncover a lot of material on the
lasindias approach,


2010/11/23 Sociedad Cooperativa de las Indias Electrónicas <
info at lasindias.coop>

> We  the will prepare a «basic Indianopedia in English» with the subjects
> Natalia addressed, so the papers she talk about become as public as easy
> accessible.
> More news in the next days...
> El 22/11/10 20:28, Michel Bauwens escribió:
>> Many thanks for these details,
>> Sam, Franco and James have already indicated/responded that they are
>> willing to participate in the to be created coop, and we will create a
>> new list to discuss this project, so as not to burden the regular list,
>> In the meantime, we can still discuss on the p2p list, so everyone is
>> aware of this new plan,
>> Michel
>> 2010/11/22 Sociedad de las Indias Electrónicas <info at lasindias.coop
>> <mailto:info at lasindias.coop>>
>>    Hi!
>>    Here is our publishing model:
>>    1. We only publish works by contemporary authors -no matter what the
>>    case of poetry, essays or narrative- under public domain, preferably
>>    written in latoc language (Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, Asturian,
>>    etc.).
>>    2. The paper editions are sold to the public at 9 € and 7 € for
>>    organizers of events, but the electronic formats are freely
>>    distributed. The 90% of sellings are made in public events.
>>    3. Our model is based on facilitating the direct relationship
>>    between authors and readers. So the paper distribution centers not
>>    in bookstores but in presentations and small events for between 50
>>    and 200 people where the author can interact with readers. In the
>>    old publishing model the reader paid for an item that allowed him
>>    access to content, in our model has free access to content and pays
>>    to receive an object, the paper-book linked to this moment when he
>>    met and possibly spoke with the author.
>>    4. Our books are living-books. The paper editions are adapted to
>>    these «situations» in which the author and the reader meet and have
>>    face to face conversations. For every event's print the author can
>>    edit content, add prologues or epilogues, etc.. depending on the
>>    tone the author wants to give to the meeting with a specific audience.
>>    5. The length of the works is around 15,000 words -about 100 pages-
>>    for assays and 30.000 for narrative, free for poetry.
>>    María Rodríguez
>>    On 21/11/10 13:42, Michel Bauwens wrote:
>>>    this process is exactly what I was referring to in my email just send,
>>>    so give me time until December, and I will digest this proposal
>>>    and respond to it,
>>>    but indeed, this is the way to go in my opinion,
>>>    I'm also copying Franco Iacomella, a young argentinian who has
>>>    expressed interest in working together on the creation of the p2p
>>>    phyle,
>>>    Michel
>>>    2010/11/21 Sociedad Cooperativa de las Indias Electrónicas
>>>    <info at lasindias.coop <mailto:info at lasindias.coop>>
>>>        Dear Michel,
>>>        (más abajo en español)
>>>        For us it is more than good news: we believe is the first step
>>>        of something really deep and transformative.
>>>        Over the years the phyle model has gained richness, complexity
>>>        and subtlety. Economically it is, increasingly, an onion
>>>        structure where each level of community identity and personal
>>>        commitment has been developing its own space through the
>>>        relationships between affiliated enterprises, cooperatives and
>>>        community in the strict sense. Politically, this nebula
>>>        appears as a web of foundations, publishers, and nonprofit
>>>        associations.
>>>        There is no recipe but a decade of experience to share with
>>>        the network of "p2p foundation" in order to make your own
>>>        theoretical digestion about it.
>>>        Discussing over the weekend from your message, think we ought
>>>        to give us an agenda for discussion and work.
>>>        First we are committed to developing a series of papers
>>>        1. How is it organized the economic structure of our phyle?
>>>        2. How do we ensure the hegemony of the deliberative process
>>>        on the logic of the economic structure?
>>>        3. The role of foundations (public infrastructure of knowledge
>>>        and transnational initiatives)
>>>        4. Publishing model
>>>        5. The Indiano view on the global economic framework of
>>>        "decomposition" (what we call "the futures to come)
>>>        After sharing this context p2pf and las Indias could address
>>>        an agenda of cooperation with the objective of:
>>>        1. Creating tools to extend the deliberative space,
>>>        translating and distributing monthly to the different
>>>        languages an abstract of the major debates in each network.
>>>        2. Building a transnational network and multi-language
>>>        publications in the public domain in both paper and electronic
>>>        formats.
>>>        3. Organizing a system of workshops and consulting with the
>>>        goal of providing the knowledge tools to build the economic
>>>        structure necessary to become phyle.
>>>        The starting point of this agenda could be in March-April
>>>        2011, when the "Third Transnational Meeting on Economic
>>>        Democracy" will be celebrated.
>>>        Obviously the optimum physical place to keep this meeting
>>>        should be chosen according to:
>>>        * The physical location of those who wish to participate (with
>>>        the aim of reducing total travel costs)
>>>        * The costs of infrastructure and hotels (with the aim of
>>>        reducing costs of accommodation)
>>>        * The availability of a physical space for discussion given
>>>        free to the event or at least at low cost.
>>>        If you agree, we will begin preparing the papers this week to
>>>        explain to your network the economic structure of las Indias.
>>>        And if you find the proposed agenda interesting and
>>>        affordable, we can all start working on the horizon on March 21.
>>>        A big hug
>>>        Natalia
>>>        Querido Michel,
>>>        Para nosotros es más que una buena noticia: creemos que es el
>>>        primer paso de algo realmente más profundo y transformador.
>>>        Con los años el modelo de la phyle ha ganado riqueza,
>>>        complejidad y sutileza. Economicamente es, cada día más, una
>>>        estructura cebolla donde cada nivel de identidad comunitaria y
>>>        compromiso personal ha ido desarrollando su propio espacio a
>>>        través de las relaciones entre empresas participadas,
>>>        cooperativas  y comunidad en el sentido estricto.
>>>        Políticamente esta nebulosa aparece como un tejido de
>>>        fundaciones, editoriales y asociaciones sin ánimo de lucro.
>>>        No hay una receta sino una década de experiencia que
>>>        transmitir para que la red de la «p2p foundation» pueda hacer
>>>        su propia digestión teórica sobre ello.
>>>        Reflexionando a lo largo del fin de semana a partir de tu
>>>        mensaje, pensamos que deberíamos darnos una agenda de
>>>        discusión y trabajo.
>>>        En primer lugar nos comprometemos a elaborar una serie de
>>>        papeles breves explicando de manera sencilla:
>>>        1. ¿Cómo es organizada la estructura económica de la phyle
>>>        indiana?
>>>        2. Cómo se asegura la hegemonía del proceso deliberativo sobre
>>>        la lógica de la estructura económica?
>>>        3. El papel de las fundaciones (infraestructuras públicas de
>>>        conocimiento e iniciativas transnacionales)
>>>        4. Modelo editorial
>>>        5. La mirada indiana sobre el marco socioeconómico global la
>>>        «descomposición» (lo que llamamos «los futuros que vienen»)
>>>        Tras compartir este contexto la p2pf y las Indias podríamos
>>>        abordar conjuntamente una agenda de colaboración basada en:
>>>        1. Crear herramientas para ampliar el espacio deliberativo
>>>        traduciendo y distribuyendo mensualmente a las diferentes
>>>        lenguas los principales debates en cada red.
>>>        2. Contruir una red transnacional y multilingue de
>>>        publicaciones bajo dominio público tanto en papel como en
>>>        formato electrónico.
>>>        3. Organizar un sistema de talleres y consultoría con el
>>>        objetivo de aportar las herramientas para que distintos grupos
>>>        interesados puedan construir la estructura económica necesaria
>>>        para devenir phyle.
>>>        El punto de arranque de esta agenda podría situarse en
>>>        marzo-abril de 2011, en el «III Encuentro Transnacional sobre
>>>        Democracia Económica».
>>>        Obviamente el lugar físico óptimo para mantener este encuentro
>>>        deberá ser elegido en función de:
>>>        * El lugar físico de los que deseen participar (con el
>>>        objetivo de reducir costes totales de viaje)
>>>        * La infraestructura y costes de hoteles (con el objetivo de
>>>        reducir costes de alojamiento)
>>>        * La disponibilidad de un espacio físico para la discusión
>>>        cedido gratuitamente para el evento o al  menos a bajo coste.
>>>        Si estás de acuerdo, comenzaremos esta semana preparando los
>>>        papeles que expliquen a vuestra red la estructura económica de
>>>        la phyle indiana.
>>>        Y si la agenda propuesta os parece interesante y abordable,
>>>         podemos empezar a trabajar sobre el horizonte del 21 de marzo.
>>>        Un gran abrazo
>>>        Natalia
>>>        El 19/11/10 15:59, Michel Bauwens escribió:
>>>            Dear friends,
>>>            below is an important message, which I have not cleared with
>>>            lasindias.net <http://lasindias.net/>
>>>            <http://lasindias.net <http://lasindias.net/>>, but
>>>            reflects my understanding of
>>>            our talks in Madrid, of the importance of their
>>>            contribution, and on a
>>>            further cooperation,
>>>            I'm publishing this on the 24th on the blog,
>>>            Michel Bauwens
>>>            The next “five year plan” of the P2P Foundation:
>>>            constructing livelihood
>>>            through phyles <http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/?p=11782>
>>>            photo of Michel Bauwens
>>>            Michel Bauwens
>>>            24th November 2010
>>>            *Towards a strategic relationship between the P2P
>>>            Foundation and Las Indias*
>>>            Regular readers of our blog will have noticed that I have paid
>>>            substantial attention to my discovery of the
>>>            Spanish-language network
>>>            developed by lasindias.net <http://lasindias.net/>
>>>            <http://lasindias.net <http://lasindias.net/>>, which I
>>>            hadn’t
>>>            previously encountered.
>>>            Las Indias, is a cooperative, a neomedieval ‘neo-Venetian’
>>>            guild
>>>            structure that was rooted in cyberpunk literature and is
>>>            devoted to the
>>>            globalization of small entrepreneurs. As a entrepreneurial
>>>            but fraternal
>>>            structure, it fully engages not only in providing its
>>>            members with a
>>>            current livelihood, but with full future security. Las
>>>            Indias fully
>>>            adopts and practices the open ethos, uses decision-making
>>>            through
>>>            deliberation, and is committed to splitting into
>>>            autonomous units,
>>>            whenever the Dunbar limit is reached.
>>>            Recently, I covered the three books, recently translated,
>>>            in which David
>>>            de Ugarte and others from lasindias.net
>>>            <http://lasindias.net/> <http://lasindias.net
>>>            <http://lasindias.net/>>, offer
>>>            their take on the history of economic forms (Phyles:
>>>            Economic Democracy
>>>            of the Network Age); a history of governance forms (From
>>>            Nations to
>>>            Networks), and a history of civil society itself (The Power of
>>>            Networks). There are well-thought out interpretations of
>>>            where we are
>>>            going and how networks are changing the fundamental nature
>>>            of our social
>>>            organization.
>>>            The key insight for me is their argument for the creation
>>>            of phyles.
>>>            Indeed, it was a missing piece of the puzzle in my own
>>>            peer to peer
>>>            theory. We have been able to describe the emergence of
>>>            peer production,
>>>            governance, and property; we have been able to describe
>>>            the emergence of
>>>            open business models, mostly noticing how companies are
>>>            adapting to
>>>            communities. But at the same time, we also know that there
>>>            is not a
>>>            clear choice available for peer producers who want to go
>>>            their own way.
>>>            We have successfully democratized the means of creating
>>>            value, but have
>>>            not been able to democratize the means of realizing that
>>>            value. Creating
>>>            livelihood independently of the capital players that
>>>            profit from our
>>>            social cooperation and obtain asymmetrical
>>>            hyper-competitivity through
>>>            our contributions, remains an arduous task. Localization
>>>            through global
>>>            open design communities is still mostly an effort to avoid the
>>>            dislocation of the global meltdown, it’s a strategy of
>>>            resilience, not
>>>            yet of thrivability; and the nation state is increasingly
>>>            failing us,
>>>            with what remains of the welfare state under a violent
>>>            assault of
>>>            extreme neoliberalism. We create increasing surplus value,
>>>            but we don’t
>>>            capture it, this is the crux of the matter.
>>>            Las Indias on the other hand, asks the right question, and
>>>            in my
>>>            opinion, gives the right answer.
>>>            *The question is: what do distributed networks really
>>>            bring to the
>>>            table, that is new and unique, and points the way forward?*
>>>            The answer: it is a new form of human socialization around
>>>            the creation
>>>            of common value. Distributed networks do not just change
>>>            localism and
>>>            the nation-state, but create the possibility of creating
>>>            transnational
>>>            value networks, used by communities in order to sustain
>>>            their common
>>>            work. In other words, we are not just talking about
>>>            entrepreneurs and
>>>            businesses adapting to co-production and communities, BUT,
>>>            we are
>>>            talking about communities creating their own
>>>            mission-oriented business
>>>            forms, in which the market activity is subsumed to the
>>>            common value.
>>>            This creates sustainability and livelihoods for the
>>>            individuals
>>>            involved; subsumes the profit maximization of the
>>>            marketplace to higher
>>>            ethical values which constrain it to the value commons;
>>>            and captures the
>>>            surplus value directly for the peer producers.
>>>            There are a lot of exciting things to say about the internal
>>>            organization of the Las Indias phyle, which is a
>>>            combination of elements
>>>            of cooperatives, decision through deliberation, the
>>>            gradation of
>>>            knowledge skills taken from the guild system, etc … The
>>>            reality is that,
>>>            in a world where precarity is the norm for many peer
>>>            producers, the
>>>            phyle is a efficacious solidarity mechanism. Next to
>>>            liberty and
>>>            equality, it brings the missing fraternity to the table of
>>>            social
>>>            practice, in a new transnational format that transcends
>>>            the limitations
>>>            of the nation-state, and is rooted in a true human community.
>>>            Therefore, it is now clear to me that the central task of
>>>            the P2P
>>>            Foundation, after five years of creating a global
>>>            knowledge commons in
>>>            conditions of precarity, is, for the next five years, to
>>>            focus on the
>>>            sustainability of the common work, by creating appropriate
>>>            livelihoods,
>>>            through the creation of a phyle.
>>>            The way I see it, we are going through a major cultural,
>>>            political,
>>>            economic transition; nothing less than a revolution and phase
>>>            transition; the P2P Foundation wants to position itself as
>>>            one of the
>>>            trusted players that can offer guidance and learning in this
>>>            transformation, on both individual and collective levels.
>>>            The knowledge
>>>            commons will continue to evolve and improve, but an added
>>>            layer of
>>>            activity will offer useful services that can generate income.
>>>            My visit last month, where I spent two days socializing
>>>            with lasindias
>>>            in Madrid, showed that we are operating on the same
>>>            wavelength, and that
>>>            there is strong mutual sympathy. Therefore, there is a
>>>            priori agreement,
>>>            which still needs to be worked out in detail, to form a
>>>            strategic
>>>            relationship. Lasindias will help us create a phyle, and
>>>            we will help to
>>>            spread the key insight of phyles in the English-speaking
>>>            world, while
>>>            creating first-class educational material to go through
>>>            the transition
>>>            period unscathed, coming out with the thrivability
>>>            associated with
>>>            providing useful services to society.
>>>            How exactly the P2P Foundation phyle will look, is still
>>>            an open
>>>            question, as I do have anxieties and reservations about
>>>            the full
>>>            communal level that is at the heart of Las Indias. Las
>>>            Indias has a very
>>>            strong ‘social market’ orientation, rather than our own
>>>            commons’
>>>            orientation. So there are differences, and their will
>>>            remain a diversity
>>>            in our cooperation. The way I envision it, is the
>>>            following: the peer to
>>>            peer revolution is a deep cultural, political, economic
>>>            and social
>>>            transformation, which will require a very broad ‘church’
>>>            of interlinked
>>>            social movements. Within this broad movement, it is a very
>>>            good thing
>>>            that there is a very committed core, that lives their
>>>            values to the
>>>            fullest, and serves an inspiration and an example for others.
>>>            In terms of P2P Theory as a guide to transformation, a
>>>            very important
>>>            missing piece of the puzzle has now been added. In the
>>>            context of a
>>>            failing nation-state, destructive globalized capitalism,
>>>            there does
>>>            exist a social form that is both local and global in form,
>>>            and can
>>>            provide security for its peer producing members.
>>>            --
>>>            P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net
>>>            <http://p2pfoundation.net/>  -
>>>            http://blog.p2pfoundation.net <http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/
>>> >
>>>            Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com
>>>            <http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/>; Discuss:
>>> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
>>>            Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens;
>>>            http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
>>>            http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
>>>            Think tank:
>>>            http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
>>>        --
>>>        Sociedad Cooperativa de las Indias Electrónicas
>>>        Grupo Cooperativo de las Indias
>>>        Barco, 37 - 28004 Madrid
>>>        Florencio Escardó, 1486 - 11700 Montevideo
>>>        http://lasindias.coop <http://lasindias.coop/>
>>>        http://lasindias.info <http://lasindias.info/>
>>>    --
>>>    P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net
>>>    <http://p2pfoundation.net/>  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
>>>    <http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/>
>>>    Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com
>>>    <http://p2pfoundation.ning.com/>; Discuss:
>>>    http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
>>>    Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens;
>>>    http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens; http://twitter.com/mbauwens;
>>>    http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
>>>    Think tank:
>>>    http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
>>    --
>>    Sociedad Cooperativa de las Indias Electrónicas
>>    Grupo Cooperativo de las Indias
>>    Barco, 37 - 28004 Madrid
>>    Florencio Escardó, 1486 - 11700 Montevideo
>>    http://lasindias.coop  <http://lasindias.coop/>
>>    http://lasindias.info  <http://lasindias.info/>
>> --
>> P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
>> Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:
>> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
>> Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
>> http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
>> Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
> --
> Sociedad Cooperativa de las Indias Electrónicas
> Grupo Cooperativo de las Indias
> Barco, 37 - 28004 Madrid
> Florencio Escardó, 1486 - 11700 Montevideo
> http://lasindias.coop
> http://lasindias.info

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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