[p2p-research] Micro-Finance in India Stumbling

j.martin.pedersen m.pedersen at lancaster.ac.uk
Fri Nov 19 16:44:47 CET 2010

On 19/11/10 15:28, Patrick Anderson wrote:
> j.martin.pedersen wrote:
>> Michel Bauwens wrote:
>>> it may be just a case of inadequate regulation,
>> Yes, they forgot to reconfigure property relations
> Ah, yes, the *They*.
> The 'They' will never reconfigure property relations except for their
> own benefit.
> That work is up to *us* - it is up to We the People.

Precisely - and what distinguishes "them" from "us the people" is that
they do things that way - a charity pyramid scheme - and we - if there
is to be a future we - must do things outside of the money system, if we
have any long term goals in mind and if we operate on a foundation of
global solidarity.


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