[p2p-research] Hello group

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 19 10:53:10 CET 2010

Dear Marc,

thanks for the update,

I strongly recommend Roberto Verzola's work on abundance, to be found by
searching his name between bracks in both the blog and the wiki,

there is a book in our wiki, the logic of sufficiency,

and juliet schor, plenitude, and hoechsele's Economics of Abundance,

Right now, I'm reading a book by Marvin T. Brown on the economics of
provisioning, counterposed to the economics of property, and it is without
doubt one of the most important books I have in a few years, I strongly
recommend it,

we had a debate with brian davey of feasta both in our blog and email list,
on his opposition to our peddling of 'immaterial abundance'


On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 1:47 PM, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com> wrote:

> fyi,
> discussion of "Enough Is Enough" book
> http://steadystaterevolution.org/enough-is-enough/ led to p2pfoundation
> im out of the loop on p2p stuff, but thought i'd forward this anyway
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Gary Nicholls <gary52 at telus.net>
> Date: Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 6:32 PM
> Subject: Re: Hello group
> To: steadystaters at googlegroups.com
>  In other words, it’s not how much you have
>> that determines your survival but how well you use the resources that
>> you do have.
> That reminded me of Buckminster Fuller, so I did a Google search on the
> p2pfoundation site, and I am very happy to see that extensive reference
> is made to his work. I think if we had listened to him 50 years ago, we
> wouldn't be in the sorry state we now find ourselves, but hopefully it is
> not to late. Of course, Bucky was no favorite of the military-industrial
> complex, or the bankers, hence the reason his 'make money or make sense'
> philosophy has been quietly buried, even by academia. I'll look at p2p
> some more, thanks Marc.
> On Thu, 18 Nov 2010 10:20:49 -0800, marc fawzi <marc.fawzi at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
>> I'd like to introduce myself.
>> After writing about the “abundance sustaining” economy a couple years
>> ago (P2P Energy Economy: http://p2pfoundation.net/P2P_Energy_Economy),
>> I realize now that even though it may have been algorithmically
>> complete (maybe, maybe not, haven’t got to simulate it in full), there
>> was something fundamentally wrong with it: survival is predicated on
>> efficiency not abundance. In other words, it’s not how much you have
>> that determines your survival but how well you use the resources that
>> you do have. Sounds like common sense, but until I was able to grasp
>> the way nature works in terms of how it perpetuates its own survival,
>> I did not appreciate concepts like the “enough is enough.”
>> I just found the "Enough Is Enough" book about the ‘steady state
>> economy’ via Permaculture magazine and I'm delighted to join you in
>> this discussion.
>> Marc
> --
> Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
> --
> Marc
> "We assume that space-time at the Planck scale is discrete, quantised in
> Planck units and "qubitsed" (each pixel of Planck area encodes one qubit),
> that is, quantum space-time can be viewed as a quantum computer. Within this
> model, one finds that quantum space-time itself is entangled, and can
> quantum-evaluate Boolean functions which are the laws of Physics in their
> discrete and fundamental form." --Paola Zizzi

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