[p2p-research] horizontal tech transfer for climate change

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 05:01:51 CET 2010

Via Javier Ruiz:

Jane Dennet Thorpe and Javier Ruiz:

"Onawi is a new non-profit organisation that aims to directly contribute to
a just transition towards climate change mitigation by developing a
horizontal technology transfer model based on Open Source Co-operative

Onawi is creating a freely accessible library of renewable energy
technologies. To do this we will compile existing and available designs and
associated documentation.

Our vision is that this library will form the basis for a community for
co-operative technology development following an Open Source Innovation
model. The main focus for development will be generic -- as in generic
medicines -- medium size wind turbine designs with certification.

Onawi will foster and engage in collaboration projects of technology
transfer involving industrial and community partners."

[edit <http://p2pfoundation.net/Onawi?title=Onawi&action=edit&section=2>]
Discussion [edit<http://p2pfoundation.net/Onawi?title=Onawi&action=edit&section=3>
] Climate change, global justice and technology transfer

The problem: Climate change, global justice and technology transfer

It is now widely agreed that if we are to slow down climate change we need a
complete global transformation from our existing carbon based technologies
and economy. Despite the financial crisis, there are substantial sums being
earmarked to bring about the 'greening' of many of the world's economies.
However, this transition is not happening as fast as is necessary. One of
the key stumbling blocks is the conflict over technology transfer.

Developing countries see the transition to clean technologies as a
historical opportunity for the creation of local industry and economic
development. This means that in international climate negotiations,
developing countries strongly resist agreeing to lower their emissions
levels unless they are given access to relevant technologies.

In contrast, developed countries are concerned about losing their economic
advantage and seek to avoid unrestricted access and copying of the
technologies developed by their companies at high cost. They would prefer to
limit global emissions of climate changing gases by selling finished
products that help rebuild or maintain their own industrial capacity.

Within countries, the widespread introduction of new clean technologies –
low carbon or otherwise -- can bring social tensions as it disrupts existing
relations. In particular, communities that currently base their livelihood
on sunset technologies, such as oil workers, and those living near renewable
resources could suffer disproportionally in the process.

ONAWI believes that the clean transition demanded by global warming must be
a just transition in order to happen. This means reducing the differences
between rich and poor countries by promoting the development of indigenous
capacities in poorer countries. It also involves enabling communities to
take control of their own paths to development and increased wellbeing
rather than imposing preconceived models.

In order to achieve a just transition we need a model of technology transfer
where basic knowledge is shared and can be further developed and transformed
for local needs. This is called horizontal technology transfer.

In addition to these ethical and practical imperatives, experience from
China and elsewhere shows that when governments see potential for the
development of local industry, there is acceleration in the regulatory
reforms needed for a successful implementation of climate change mitigating
technologies, particularly in energy. This in turn opens up markets and
further expands the overall share of renewable energy generation.

There is an important role for progressive governments in providing suitable
frameworks for clean energy. However, there are limits to what can be
achieved through government action because clean technologies are generally
the private intellectual property of particular individuals and

It is not in the interest of any organisation to simply give away their
unique technology to a current or future competitor. Neither can market
based solutions overcome the fundamental conflict between the short-term
need of individual firms for competitive advantage and the greater needs of
society and planet.

[edit <http://p2pfoundation.net/Onawi?title=Onawi&action=edit&section=4>] Open
source co-operative innovation

One solution: Beyond policy and markets, open source co-operative innovation

Much of the discussion on clean technology focuses on the cutting edge
patented or secret technologies with higher economic value resulting from
expensive R&D programmes. However, there is a great deal of knowledge on
clean technologies that does not belong to anyone in particular, it is
public and dispersed, shared among the industry, academia and government.
Onawi is creating a free technology library by compiling available designs
and documentation into a common technology pool based on non-restricted
knowledge of renewable energy: expired patents, eco-patents, public designs,
academic research, etc. We will transform them into usable formats.

We are working in partnership with the Nordic Folkecenter for Renewable
Energy from Denmark - www. folkecenter .dk -, who have already provided
designs for a small educational turbine of 7.5kW, and a larger 100kW
machine. We are actively seeking other partners and collaborations. The
renewable energy library will not be simply a static repository, but will
form the basis for a community for co-operative technology development
following an Open Source Innovation model.

We aim to attract very diverse contributions ranging from students,
researchers, inventors and independent professionals to companies working in
the sector. In this sense, we will particularly encourage component
suppliers, independent consultancies and newcomers wishing to start in

Although Open Source development has been related mainly to software
production, there are initiatives in what is termed Open Design of hardware.
However, the production of tangible goods, rather than software, introduces
a new set of challenges, including higher impact of design modifications,
manufacturing constrains, supply chain, cost of inventory, etc. Renewable
energy systems require both software and hardware.

[edit <http://p2pfoundation.net/Onawi?title=Onawi&action=edit&section=5>] Onawi
Open Development Framework

Onawi will initially work towards the design and development of a certified
generic wind turbine and will engage in technology transfer projects to
promote manufacture by local partners.

ONAWI will take its first steps with medium-sized wind power generation as
this is a mature technology that can generate cheaper electricity than some
fossil fuels. In the future, we would also like to move into other
renewables, such as micro-hydro or solar collectors, and other wind turbine

Onawi is directly focused on the technological aspects of climate change but
we also work to ensure the positive participation of civil society, workers
and communities in this just transition process.

Onawi will work with other organisations and individuals developing other
critical elements for a successful transition to a clean energy future.
These include: financing, market integration, labour, environmental
regulation, community liaison, etc. We particularly believe there is a need
for direct intervention in the creation of industrial capacity that brings
benefits to communities through social enterprise.

Importantly, such fundamental technology change requires not just designs
and plans, but also the know-how and good will embodied in human beings:
engineers, researchers, planners, community leaders, workers, etc. Onawi as
such is about people as much as technology."

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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