[p2p-research] Fwd: some starting points - to Permaculture Unconference discussion

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 04:03:54 CET 2010

appeal also on ning now,


On Tue, Nov 9, 2010 at 2:36 PM, Nicholas Roberts <
nicholas at themediasociety.org> wrote:

> hi all
> The basic idea is to have regular meetups hosted at various
> stakeholder locations, working toward hosting a Permaculture
> Unconference in the Bay Area early in Spring 2011.
> The tentative theme is Liberation Industrial Permaculture which would be a
> synthesis of
> Grassroots organising, Worker-cooperatives, Open source appropriate
> technology, Commons-based peer production. An emphasis on Pathways to
> Sustainable Self-Governance i.e. Worker-cooperatives, Green union
> jobs, Small-business, Community led development etc
> Permaculture Unconference BLOG
> http://permacultureunconference.org
> Permaculture Unconference Bay Area 2011
> http://wiki.permaculture.coop/wiki/Permaculture_Unconference_Bay_Area_2011
> Unconference.net
> http://www.unconference.net
> Permaculture Unconference Google Group
> https://groups.google.com/group/permaculture-unconference
>   Concept: Horizontal Transfer from Oakland to Richmond
> Transfer horizontally knowledge, tools, techniques, projects,
> patterns, pathways between Oakland's vibrant sustainability,
> permaculture, transition scene and Richmond. Richmond and Oakland act
> as two centers of the Permaculture Unconference pattern. Create a
> generative sequence of events, projects, people, movements, ideas
> between Oakland as sponsor and Richmond as host. Oakland is more
> advanced in many ways in terms of density of projects and people, so a
> horizontal transfer of memes or culture between Oakland and Richmond
> could help both places enormously. Other regions within the Bay Area
> obviously are invited and encouraged, but they are channeled firstly
> into participating in the first two days in Oakland and then a day in
> Richmond.
> Possible Format
> 4 days: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday
> DAY 1 Friday. Oakland, Industry Day: practioners day, invitees and
> registered users, permaculture unconference, permaculture tech swap
> meet
> DAY 2 Saturday, Oakland, Public Day: open-public unconference,
> permaculture bike tours, open house/gardens, permaculture market /
> swap meet
> DAY 3 Sunday, Richmond, Action Day: permaculture unconference,
> permaculture blitzes, permaculture site installations, public planting
> days and education sessions
> DAY 4 Monday, Richmond, Industry Debrief Day: permaculture
> unconference de-brief, documentation, archive, NEXT STEPS
> http://wiki.permaculture.coop/wiki/Permaculture_Unconference_Bay_Area_2011
> Bay Area Permaculture News Map
> http://bayarea.permaculture.coop/newsmap/search?search=permaculture%20unconference
> Pathways to Sustainable Self-Governance
> vision for a democratic, worker-owned, advanced industrial ecology
> society. We seek pathways to provide the burgeoning food education/
> justice movement with the tools to become economically sustainable,
> and to link the emerging green industrial worker cooperatives with
> them into sovereign networks. Once active, such networks can become
> the basis for sustainable, socially just communities that revitalize
> locales via open source sustainable agriculture and manufacturing
> methods. Our panel -- with academic, commercial, and school of hard
> knocks experience -- will frame the demonstrated solutions, numerous
> pieces of the puzzle that we as a society need to put together.
> http://wiki.permaculture.coop/wiki/Pathways_to_Sustainable_Self-Governance
> http://permaculture.tv/?s=pathways+to+sustainable+self+governance
> cheers
> -N
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