[p2p-research] Fwd: Towards A New Cultural Paradigm... initial thoughts on completely changing the game ; -)

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 5 08:06:46 CET 2010

some balancing info on adi is here,
http://www.kheper.net/topics/gurus/Da-criticism.html and also more generally
 via http://delicious.com/mbauwens/Spiritual-Authorianism

the ideas expressed in the book may be valid (or not), but the practice was
of an entirely different order,


On Fri, Nov 5, 2010 at 4:43 AM, <jsmith at mosquitonet.com> wrote:

> Dear Suresh and all ~
> By far the most important book I've read on what is now needed related to
> global
> systems change is Not-Two Is Peace: The Ordinary People's Way of Global
> Cooperative
> Order by Adi Da. The book is available entirely online here:
> http://www.da-peace.org/.
> All best wishes ~
> Julie
> > ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> > From: Suresh Fernando <suresh2323 at gmail.com>
> > Date: Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 1:17 AM
> > Subject: Towards A New Cultural Paradigm... initial thoughts on
> completely
> > changing the game ;-)
> > To: openkollab at googlegroups.com, envisioning at lists.worklessparty.org,
> > intention at lists.tribalharmonix.org, movers-shakers at googlegroups.com,
> > coalition at googlegroups.com, uk-gathering at googlegroups.com
> >
> >
> > **
> >
> > Hey Everyone... some stuff I've been thinking about lately... I welcome
> your
> > thoughts!! Apologies for the length... I will, in time, do videos to get
> > this story out in a more digestible fashion. At this point it is
> important
> > to me that all that I am closely engaged with understand that everything
> > that I am working on is a part of a larger fabric...
> >
> >
> > *Note that this is, at least in part, an attempt to place in context the
> > profound importance of the systematic evolution tribal culture and
> > alternative institutional and interaction models!*
> >
> >
> >
> > *Objective:* This is a call for us to take seriously the need for massive
> > global systemic change at multiple levels!
> >
> >
> > *Scope:* The following describes an outline for a book that I am starting
> to
> > work on.... nothing more - one that we might be able to co-develop should
> > there be sufficient interest.
> >
> >
> > * *
> >
> > *An Inflection Point In Human History: we are at the Tipping Point*
> >
> > *Climate Change: a Rallying Cry:* This generation is unique in all of
> human
> > history in that it is faced with the greatest challenge ever presented to
> > our species; that of the threat of climate change. This is a threat that
> > places our entire species at risk. In and of itself this is remarkable,
> but
> > what makes our current situation unique is that we are faced with this
> > threat in conjunction both with the knowledge of this threat as well as
> well
> > as sufficient communication and technological capacity to do something
> about
> > it. Yet we dawdle... why is this so?
> >
> >
> > *What does this tell us about what it is to be human?*
> >
> > *
> > *
> >
> > *Advancements in Communications Infrastructure: *Another important
> > consideration is that simultaneous with being presented with an
> > unprecedented global challenge (climate change), we are provided with the
> > accelerated evolution of a communications and mass coordination
> > infrastructure (the Internet) that makes possible the coordination of
> ideas,
> > will and effort in a manner heretofore not possible at any time in the
> > course of human history!
> >
> >
> > *Values Transformation:* For reasons I outline briefly below, western
> > culture is in the midst of a massive values transformation; one that
> > questions the current status quo. It questions the ‘Economics Lens’; that
> > which frames definitions of social good, human welfare etc in terms of
> > economic concepts (financial capital, GDP, productivity etc.)
> >
> >
> > *It is the convergence of the above massive shifts in global
> consciousness
> > that provides us with an opportunity unprecedented in the course of human
> > history; an opportunity to reshape everything!*
> >
> > * *
> >
> > *The Process of Transformation*
> >
> > If massive systemic change is to be a possibility, a concerted effort
> will
> > be required on three parallel fronts:
> >
> > *Across organizations and Boundaries:* Between organizations and across
> > boundaries of various sorts. We need to stitch together a movement, to
> > connect organizations, groups, projects, people, ideas etc. in a way that
> > makes it possible to massively mobilize towards better ends.
> >
> > Revolution requires the centralization of focus; the aggregation of many
> > around a single idea in a single space! Fortunately in the world that we
> > live in, space can be construed differently. In fact, in virtual space,
> it
> > becomes possible for us all to participate in the same space!
> >
> > I am working on this with the Coalition of the
> > Willing<
> http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Way-Of-The-Warrior/156574347703364>group
> > that is mobilizing on the
> > BetterMeans <https://secure.bettermeans.com/projects/163> platform
> >
> > *Within Organizations:* We need to build a bridge to mainstream culture
> by
> > working with organizations to initiate dialogue and commence engagement.
> > Since the source of the problem is the Economic Lens, systemic change is
> > only possible by reframing the value system of those that give voice to
> the
> > Economic Lens. I am currently working with some folks to figure out how
> to
> > take a systems/network/ecosystem approach into corporate environments.
> >
> > *Interpersonal Level:* Since value systems become deeply engrained and
> are
> > reinforced by the institutional frameworks of which we are currently a
> part,
> > a change in psyche is also necessary; one that provides us with the
> paradigm
> > and tools necessary to embrace a culture of cooperation, selflessness,
> > community and the proliferation of love.
> > It is for this reason that I am giving voice to the Warrior
> > Paradigm<
> http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Way-Of-The-Warrior/156574347703364>.
> >
> >
> > * *
> >
> > *The World Today*
>  >
> > Western culture is pervaded by a deep sense that something has gone
> wrong.
> > We are beset with a deep sense of unease...
> >
> > This is just an intuition, but finds its basis in the problems and
> > associated discourse arising from, at the least, the following.
> >
> >    - Climate change
> >    - Massive economic disparity
> >    - Species extinction
> >    - Financial collapse
> >    - Global conflict, terrorism etc.
> >    - Unhappiness and alienation of western workers
> >    - Lack of confidence in democratic processes as evidenced by little
> >    interest in the political process.
> >    - Many of the problems identified have been present for generations,
> what
> >    makes the current context unique is that we now realize that some of
> what we
> >    held as sacrosanct might not be so.
> >    - Capitalism is not the best mechanism to allocate capital if a
> broader
> >    value set is considered
> >    - Unfettered technological progress is not, in and of itself,
> something
> >    to be lauded.
> >    - Globalization and the free flow of capital across the globe might
> not
> >    be the best way to go
> >
> > There is a sense that we have been duped.
> >
> >
> > All civilizations come, at some time, to a crashing halt. We can wait for
> > the implosion or start charting a better course.
> >
> >
> > In the following, I propose to introduce a few ideas for consideration...
> >
> >
> >
> > *The New Paradigm: a techno-cultural reordering*
> >
> > There is no doubt that we are in the midst of a radical shift. This shift
> is
> > very wide scope and will impact all phases of human life. It finds its
> roots
> > and genesis, however, in the emergence of a new communications paradigm.
> > This change in the communications paradigm has implications for the very
> > nature of interaction as it modifies the notion of space, the boundaries
> of
> > communication, the capacity to communicate, the nature of knowledge, its
> > structure etc.
> >
> > Here are a few areas where I see lots of work being done. They key will
> be
> > find ways to piece all of this together.
> >
> >
> > *New Perspectives*
> >
> > A systemic approach to the relationship between organizations, projects,
> > people etc. This is the move away from a  perspective rooted in
> > individualism and fragmentation. It is the explicit realization that we
> > belong to an interdependent system; that we are fundamentally connected.
> As
> > such, why can we not develop our infrastructure and support models to
> > reflect this reality?
> >
> > This is the basis for the notion of an
> > ecosystem<http://docs.google.com/View?id=dc4gbgsj_1480ns63fcdp>that I
> > have developed and the Ecosystem
> > Pooled Funding Model<
> http://www.slideshare.net/sureshf/ecosystem-social-ventures>
> > .
> >
> >
> > *New Economic Models*
>  >
> >    - Alternative currencies
> >    - ·         Local
> >    - ·         Virtual
> >    - Alternative Financial Models
> >    - ·         Ecosystem Pooled Fund
> >    - ·         Chris Cooks work, for example
> >
> > *New Interaction Models*
> >
> >    - Open infrastructures
> >    - Interoperabilithy
> >    - Peer Production
> >    - Collective Intelligence
> >    - High visibility
> >    - Mass collaboration
> >    - Strategic Confluence
> >
> > *Values Transformation*
> >
> >    - Sustainability
> >    - Holism
> >    - Healthy lifestyles
> >    - Return to Nature
> >    - Cooperation
> >    - Collaboration
> >    - Openness
> >    - Transparency
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > *Renewed Spiritual Context*
> >
> > Western culture has lost any sense of the sacred or the divine. We have
> been
> > consumed by materialism and have lost touch with ourselves, our community
> > and any deep sense of higher purpose.
> >
> >
> > This, however, is beginning to change. The roots of this change can be
> found
> > in a new generation of ‘hippies’ or counter-culture revolutionaries. They
> > find their roots in a wide range of disciplines. They are artists,
> > musicians, open source computer programmers, permaculture enthusiasts,
> > social activists etc.
> >
> >
> > In many ways it is a techno-social revolution that we are seeing emerge.
> One
> > that is driven by values transformation as well as sense that much is
> > possible if we focus on community formation and coming together in
> different
> > ways.
> >
> >
> >
> > *New Communal Models*
> >
> >    - ·         Localization
> >    - ·         Intentional Community
> >
> > *New Organizational Models*
> >
> > ·         Open Organizations
> >
> >    - Open
> >    - Transparent
> >    - Highly scalable
> >    - Permeable Boundaries
> >
> > ·         Cooperatives: new form of value exchange
> >
> > ·         Tribes: new form of institutional model that accounts for our
> > ‘humanness’
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > *The Old Paradigm*
> >
> > *Misguided Values*
> >
> > *Economics is the lens:* Human welfare equivalent to GDP growth
> >
> >    - Humans are commoditized in the work world: are merely ‘workers’.
> >    - Workers are gauged on ‘productivity’.
> >    - Organizations are evaluated based on ‘efficiency’
> >    - Progress is equivalent to technological advancement and the ability
> to
> >    control our environment
> >    - Progress is equivalent to the advancement of financial/material
> >    capability
> >    - The result of the Economics Lens is that we have institutionalized
> the
> >    following values
> >    - Individualism
> >    - Greed
> >    - Competition
> >    - Hierarchy
> >
> > *Specialization, personal identity and the fragmentation of Western
> Culture*
> >
> > *
> > *
> >
> > The Economics Lens is the result of a long historical process the result
> of
> > which is the transition from hunter-gatherer communities to agrarian
> society
> > to industrialization. This process lead to the invention of money. This,
> in
> > turn lead to the need for people to specialize; to develop a trade that
> they
> > can exchange in return for money.
> >
> >
> > Specialization now becomes a requirement for survival. Specialization
> thus
> > results in a change in the nature of the relationship between personal
> > identity and community.
> >
> > Personal identity takes on a greater level of importance; at the expense
> of
> > community.
> >
> >
> > The culmination of this process is that Western culture is highly
> > fragmented. The importance of personal identity in conjunction with
> > individualism, greed, avarice and the like has lead to the creation of
> walls
> > around ourselves. This has been reflected in the very nature of the
> > communities we develop. We now have much less of an emphasis on living in
> > community, deeper levels of connection with more people etc.
> >
> >
> >
> > *Outdated Institutional Models*
> >
> > Corporations, societies, charities etc.
> >
> >    - ·         Are not appropriate for networked world where information
> >    flows freely across boundaries
> >    - ·         Have fixed boundaries. What is needed are organizations
> that
> >    have more permeable boundaries
> >    - ·         Clearly demarcate the scope of ‘work’ as being distinct
> from
> >    ‘play’. This is to say that it is assumed that when one is working, it
> is
> >    with a co-worker and not with someone you love. The distinction
> between work
> >    and play is clear.
> >
> >
> >
> > *Spirituality*
> >
> > Largely missing from Western culture
> >
> > * *
> >
> > *Tribal Models*
> >
> > *I close this piece with a brief discussion of tribal models because I
> > believe this is the model that that provides the best opportunity to
> drive
> > the transformation at the three levels identified above (across
> > organizations, within organizations, at the personal/spiritual level)*
> >
> > *
> > *
> >
> > I am still working through the development of tribal models. As can be
> > expected this is not something that can be developed in the abstract. It
> is,
> > therefore, being developed in the context of my participation in a series
> of
> > tribes in my local area. These tribes have slightly different focuses,
> but
> > there are common overlapping themes:
> >
> >
> > *Intentionality*: there is some primary focus, be it an event or
> something
> > else that binds the group
> >
> >
> > *Intimacy:* those that gravitate to tribal environments see their future
> as
> > being secured by the relationships they form not by the amount of money
> the
> > accumulate (or at least this is reflective of thie spirit).
> >
> > *Bridging Work and Play:* In tribal culture we prefer to work with those
> > that we have personal relationships with. We see no reason to clearly
> > demarcate the work and play domains as independent.
> >
> > *Group Process:* Tribal decisions are largely made in larger, open, group
> > contexts. Decisions in this contexts are therefore more a function of
> > fluidity within that context.
> >
> > *Energetic Spaces:* Tribal energy is developed and maintained in
> different
> > energetic spaces. This includes meetings, collaborative food preparation,
> > music, dance etc. Characteristic of each of these spaces is that they
> have a
> > different vibrational frequency.
> >
> > *Energetic Balance: *Tribes take into account a range of different forms
> of
> > diversity and the need to account for balance across such diversity. This
> > includes; gender, age, culture, skills, interests, emotional types etc.
> >
> > *Deep Human Relationships*: We see the need to build deep relationships
> with
> > a number of different people of both sexes. These relationships for the
> > basis for mutual interdependence and support.
> >
> > *Interaction Across A Range of Activity Types:* In contrast to the work
> > environment where patterns of interaction are clearly demarcated, in
> tribal
> > culture we understand that it is essentially important to interact with
> each
> > other across a range of activity types; to get to know each other in
> > different contexts, This is what is required to develop a deep sense of
> > knowledge of each other. This is the basis for the formation of deeply
> > trusting relationships.
> >
> > *
> > With Love in the Spirit of Community*!
> >
> > --
> > *Suresh Fernando *
> > BLOG <http://sureshf.posterous.com/>,
> > YOUTUBE<http://www.youtube.com/my_videos?feature=mhum>,
> > OK WEBSITE, <http://openkollab.com/>OK FAN PAG
> > <http://goog_1343289408/>E<
> http://www.facebook.com/openkollab?ref=ts#%21/openkollab>
> > , OK GROUP <http://groups.google.ca/group/openkollab>,
> > OK-WE<http://www.wiserearth.org/group/openkollab>,
> > PHILOSOPHY,  <http://sureshfernando.wordpress.com/> TWITTER,
> > <http://twitter.com/sureshf> FACEBOOK,
> > <http://facebook.com/suresh.fernando>WOTW FAN
> > PAGE<
> http://www.facebook.com/tedxvancouver?v=wall#%21/pages/The-Way-Of-The-Warrior/156574347703364
> >
> http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=412718&authType=name&authToken=GrUl&locale=en_US&pvs=pp&trk=ppro_viewmore
> >,
> > SLIDESHARE <http://www.slideshare.net/sureshf>
> > *
> > **'The counter cultural revolution was a rhizomatic meshwork of
> > loosely-coordinated, loosely-affiliated struggles. The goals of these
> > struggles weren’t always complimentary, but the struggles were aligned
> and
> > together they staged a mass offensive to shatter the status quo'*. - from
> > The Coalition of the Willing
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  -
> http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
> >
> > Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:
> > http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
> >
> > Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
> > http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
> >
> > Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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