[p2p-research] Economies of the Commons 2

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 2 04:45:05 CET 2010

thanks Nat, looks like an interesting programme,


On Tue, Nov 2, 2010 at 6:15 AM, nathaniel tkacz <tkaczn at unimelb.edu.au>wrote:

> Hi All - some on this list might be interested in this upcoming event.
> A  N  N  O  U  N  C  E  M  E  N  T
> Economies of the Commons 2
> Paying the costs of making things free
> International conference, seminar and public evening programs
> Amsterdam & Hilversum
> November 11 ? 13, 2010
> Economies of the Commons 2  is a critical examination of the economics of
> on-line public domain and open access resources of  information, knowledge,
> and media (the ?digital commons?).  The past 10 years have seen the rise of
> a variety of such open content resources attracting millions of users,
> sometimes on a daily basis. The impact of projects such as Wikipedia, Images
> of the Future, and Europeana testify to the vibrancy of the new digital
> public domain.  No longer left to the exclusive domains of digital
> ?insiders?, open content resources are rapidly becoming widely used and
> highly popular.
> While protagonists of open content praise its low-cost accessibility and
> collaborative structures, critics claim it undermines the established ?gate
> keeping? functions of authors, the academy, and professional institutions
> while lacking a reliable business model of its own. Economies  of the
> Commons 2 provides a timely and crucial analysis of sustainable economic
> models that can promote and safeguard the online public domain. We want to
> find out what the new hybrid solutions are for archiving, access and reuse
> of on-line content that can both create viable markets and serve the public
> interest in a competitive global 21st century information economy.
> Economies of the Commons 2 consists of an international seminar on Open
> Video hosted by the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision on November
> 11 in Hilversum, a two day international conference and two public evening
> programs on November 12 and 13 at De Balie, centre for culture and politics
> in Amsterdam. The event builds upon the successful Economies of the Commons
> conference organised in April  2008.
> Confirmed speakers include:
> Charlotte Hess (Syracuse University - Keynote), Ben Moskowitz (Open Video
> Alliance), Simona Levi (Free Culture Forum), Bas Savenije (Royal Library The
> Hague), Michael Edson (Smithsonian Commons), Yann Moulier Boutang
> (Multitudes), Peter B. Kaufman (Intelligent Television), Harry Verwayen
> (Europeana), James Boyle (Duke University), Rufus Pollock (Open Knowledge
> Foundation), Jeff Ubois (DTN), Sandra Fauconnier (NIMK), Volker Grassmuck
> (USP Sao Paulo), Dymitri Kleiner (Telekommunisten), Jaromil (NIMK Artlab),
> Marco Sachy (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Nathaniel Tkacz (Melbourne
> University), Dolf Veenvliet (Blender), Michael Dale (Open Media for
> Wikipedia), Lucie Guibault (University of Amsterdam), a.o.
> Organisers:
> Images for the Future Consortium / Netherlands Institute for Sound and
> Vision / De Balie / Institute of Network Cultures University of Amsterdam,
> Department of New Media
> For detailed program information check our website:
> www.ecommons.eu
> Nate Tkacz
> School of Culture and Communication
> University of Melbourne
> Twitter: http://twitter.com/__nate__
> Homepage: www.nathanieltkacz.net
> Current project: http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/cpov/about-2/
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