[p2p-research] babysitting coop request

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun May 30 18:41:20 CEST 2010

comment via

*Gary Myers*
garymyers222 at yahoo.com<http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/wp-admin/edit-comments.php?s=>
Submitted on 2010/05/29 at

I have been looking for this kind of guideline for building a community. I
invite you to help me build your vision with all the members of

These moms are re-inventing the idea of neighborhood. It is really amazing
to see the strength of the support for each other that grows once the co-op
gets started…the makings of a good masters thesis…

I am looking for anyone that wants to make a small bit of history in
building a community like envisioned in this article.

In another application of the twenty rules, the BP spill site has 96,000
technical suggestions sent in. A good civic community could self organize
and allow people to step into a variety of roles needed to review filter and
screen this massive number of suggestions. Who knows a very good idea may be
buried in those 96,000 emails.

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