[p2p-research] Lambeth Co-operative Council Wiki

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri May 28 18:42:50 CEST 2010

beautiful, thanks Mamaday!

On Fri, May 28, 2010 at 11:35 PM, Mamading Ceesay <mamading at gmail.com>wrote:

> On 28 May 2010 17:23, Mamading Ceesay <mamading at gmail.com> wrote:
>>       Here is a wiki, for the co-operative council project of Lambeth,
>>>>> South London (labour run).
>>>>> http://lambethcooperativecouncil.wikispaces.com/
>>>>> it creates a space of people to collaborate and discuss where
>>>>> co-operatives could be used as a model for delivering local services, and
>>>>> what benefits this would bring.
>>> This is truly relevant to the work that London Creative Labs is doing,
>>> especially since we're based in Lambeth (a South London borough).
>> Just stumbled across this related newspaper article:
>> http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/may/27/lambeth-council-cooperation-consultation?CMP=twt_gu
> Digging through the comments in response, I found this particularly
> noteworthy one from lespetroleuse which I reproduce below (slightly edited
> for grammar):
>  I recall reading a history of industrial democracy in 3 slim volumes back
> in the early 1980s produced by the Institute of Workers Control.
> One was called, I think, "Schools for Democrats".
> As mass party membership in the trade unions and the cooperative movements
> have declined, we have lost experience of institutions that are part of our
> common heritage.
> Without participation in such institutions where are the individually
> powerless to learn the potential of the collective, the mechanics of
> democracy and the skills of participation in it?
> Unions and coops provided the political education that once put miners,
> dockers, and shopworkers on the green benches.
> Whose interests are served when we are made to feel powerless to effect
> changes we seek whether at work or where we live?
> The approach of those in Lambeth may not succeed, but there is a much
> ignored UK tradition of self-improvement, and mutual aid.
> If it seeks to carry that on I wish them well.
> --
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/may/27/lambeth-council-cooperation-consultation?showallcomments=true#CommentKey:7be72944-6aa1-443d-9459-58325daa6838
>  --
> Regards,
> Mamading Ceesay
> Social and Technological Innovation in the Global Public Interest
> London Creative Labs: http://londoncreativelabs.com
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