[p2p-research] Lambeth Co-operative Council Wiki

Mamading Ceesay mamading at gmail.com
Fri May 28 18:35:29 CEST 2010

On 28 May 2010 17:23, Mamading Ceesay <mamading at gmail.com> wrote:

> Here is a wiki, for the co-operative council project of Lambeth, South
>>>> London (labour run).
>>>> http://lambethcooperativecouncil.wikispaces.com/
>>>> it creates a space of people to collaborate and discuss where
>>>> co-operatives could be used as a model for delivering local services, and
>>>> what benefits this would bring.
>> This is truly relevant to the work that London Creative Labs is doing,
>> especially since we're based in Lambeth (a South London borough).
> Just stumbled across this related newspaper article:
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2010/may/27/lambeth-council-cooperation-consultation?CMP=twt_gu
Digging through the comments in response, I found this particularly
noteworthy one from lespetroleuse which I reproduce below (slightly edited
for grammar):

I recall reading a history of industrial democracy in 3 slim volumes back in
the early 1980s produced by the Institute of Workers Control.

One was called, I think, "Schools for Democrats".

As mass party membership in the trade unions and the cooperative movements
have declined, we have lost experience of institutions that are part of our
common heritage.

Without participation in such institutions where are the individually
powerless to learn the potential of the collective, the mechanics of
democracy and the skills of participation in it?

Unions and coops provided the political education that once put miners,
dockers, and shopworkers on the green benches.

Whose interests are served when we are made to feel powerless to effect
changes we seek whether at work or where we live?

The approach of those in Lambeth may not succeed, but there is a much
ignored UK tradition of self-improvement, and mutual aid.

If it seeks to carry that on I wish them well.

Mamading Ceesay
Social and Technological Innovation in the Global Public Interest

London Creative Labs: http://londoncreativelabs.com

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