[p2p-research] The Cybernetic Hypothesis

Joss Winn joss at josswinn.org
Thu May 27 17:42:40 CEST 2010

For background on Tiqqun, I recommend:


Agamben and their publisher, Hazan, speak about Tiqqun here:


transcript here:


More translations can be found here:


and collected information about their arrest can be found here:


I've just finished reading The Cybernetic Hypothesis and think that
while the text is a ravaging critique of Cybernetics/Systems Theory as
Capitalism and its 'tyranny of transparency', the final few chapters of
the Hypothesis, do offer some steps forward for P2P activists, with
their ideas around panic, Temporary Autonomous Zones, interference/fog,
slowness and ultimately communism.


On 27/05/10 15:46, j.martin.pedersen wrote:
> On 27/05/10 15:39, Denis Postle wrote:
>> On 5/26/2010 5:30 PM, Joss Winn wrote:
>>> This may interest some of you. An English translation of The Cybernetic
>>> Hypothesis, which appeared in the Tiqqun journal (2001) is now available:
>>> http://cybernet.jottit.com/
>>> I am quite new to this material, but my summary of it so far, is that
>>> it's a ruthless and challenging attack on Cybernetics, which they equate
>>> with modern Capitalism, both drawing on and simultaneously critiquing a
>>> number of European intellectual traditions.
>>> I'm enjoying it.
>> Yes very valuable, thank you. Any idea of who the author(s) were?
> it emerges from the group of people around the
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiqqun journal,
> some of who were the targets of the infamous anti-terror assault on
> liberties in France:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tarnac_9
> it is a good piece in that it presents a critical side of technology
> thinking that is absent from most the non-reflective glorification that
> predominates cyberspace debates.
> -m
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