[p2p-research] john pilger on the greeks

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Wed May 26 21:41:09 CEST 2010

Michel Bauwens wrote:

> society consists of dynamic and less dynamic individuals,
> the first get ahead,

Or are ahead because they were born into it - from "old money".

Or are ahead because they murdered to gain that position.

Being ahead may not indicate worthiness - in fact it often indicates
the opposite!

Those who are ahead should consider all others and should wonder why
there is a divide at all.

There is a deep flaw in our system (raw Capitalism) that makes the
rich richer and the poor poorer.

This is caused by the Positive Feedback Loop constructed when we treat
Profit as a reward for the current owners instead of understanding it
to be a plea for growth from the latecomer who just paid it.

> and by doing so, create the conditions for the second to progress,

Bullshit.  The rich do not want the poor to progress.  They want
exactly the opposite - for if the poor were to gain the property
needed to get out from under the thumb of those who are 'ahead', then
the value called Profit would no longer flow out of those workers and
into the hands of the parasites who subjugate society and purposefully
murder our planet to perpetuate the scarcity that Profit requires.

> and this is good ...

Either I am misunderstanding you or you are suggesting the rich "ought
to get richer" because they are simply superior humans and the poor
are poor simply because they are inferior.

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