[p2p-research] P2P pharmaceuticals and fuels?

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon May 24 15:45:04 CEST 2010

Dear Sam and Kevin et al,

I'm publishing this on the 31st, and extra comments to add to it are very

Craig Venter synthetic life fallout: P2P pharmaceuticals and
[image: photo of Michel Bauwens]
Michel Bauwens
31st May 2010

 “…from the point of view of technology, a code generated within a digital
computer is now self-replicating as the genome of a line of living cells.
>From the point of view of biology, a code generated by a living organism has
been translated into a digital representation for replication, editing, and
transmission to other cells.”

- George Dyson in
response<http://www.edge.org/documents/archive/edge318.html>to Craig
Venter’s announcement of “synthetic” life.

*John Robb*:

*“Now that we have a self-replicating biological platform (yeast — likely
one of many different platforms that will be floated over the next couple of
years) that can accommodate a completely synthetic genome, the race in on:
towards an abundance in nearly every material or process that can be enabled
via biological means. *

*For resilient communities, this will likely lead to the ability to
replicate on the micro scale, many of the difficult to produce materials
currently available only through a global industrial system. All that needs
to be shared is the information necessary to do it. P2P pharmaceuticals and

*There is a bright side to this: This technology makes resilient communities
both more necessary and more viable at the same time. *

*The localization of production and the virtualization of everything else
precludes the chance that damage from this technology will spread to a
global scale via network amplification. It contains any potential damage to
a small area. On the other hand, the virtualization of production and
portability of discovery/productivity enabled by this technology will make
it possible for very small communities to replicate the industrial power of
a nation-state.*

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