[p2p-research] abundance economics book

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Fri May 21 18:35:30 CEST 2010

>> Samuel Rose wrote:
>>> re-invest the profits

> Patrick Anderson wrote:
>> Who will receive ownership of those new investments?
>> <sarcasm>I'm sure it must not be those who paid them, right?</sarcasm>

Samuel Rose wrote:
> What do you mean by "those who paid them"?

I mean the persons who paid the value called 'Profit'.

The Consumers pay this value, but in our current system they never
gain any ground (never acquire ownership) because we misunderstand the
origin and therefore the proper 'destination' of Profit.

Profit only occurs when a Consumer lacks sufficient ownership in the
Sources of Production.

Otherwise, when a Consumer owns enough Sources (say the eater of an
Avocado is part owner in an Avocado tree), then all Costs must be paid
as usual, but Profit cannot be paid since there is no exchange of
goods after production.  The Avocado is neither bought nor sold, but
is *already* in the hands of the actor who will consume it and so
Profit becomes 'undefined'.

This seems to prove Profit has nothing to do with Workers hired to
install, maintain, protect or operate, the Sources of Production.

I am not trying to exploit the Worker, I am trying to protect him
"from underneath" by helping him build the foundation of ownership he
needs to protect his ability to Consume instead of pretending Work is
a need in itself.

This allows us to let Wages float according to the market (any Worker
can reverse-bid for any job) without needing to prop them up with
'protections' such as minimum-wages or labor unions, etc.

It also frees us to utilize automation and robotics as much as we like
without ever worrying about putting people "out of work" since we
finally have the horse in-front of the cart so that creation is no
longer 'destruction' and abundance is no longer a 'problem' and value
is not in 'crisis'.

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