[p2p-research] Fwd: Platoniq news 05-09, Goteo: research on creative currencies and p2p-financing

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri May 21 16:36:30 CEST 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Platoniq at platoniq.net <Platoniq at platoniq.net>
Date: Fri, May 21, 2010 at 6:58 PM
Subject: Platoniq news 05-09
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com


We have received many requests from people on the list who would like
to get platoniq news on a more frequent basis, so here goes a reminder
of our twitter account and the RSS of our recently launched platform
youcoop where we compile and share methods, reports of innovative
experiences etc:



Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/platoniq

Here goes our programm for the next few weeks, and a selection of
reports on our activities, as well as a

couple of recent interviews (mainly in spanish and catalan).


==== MADRID ====

We'll be in Madrid at MediaLab-Prado from 7th to 24th of June for the
Interactivos?'10: Neighborhood Science workshop.

11 projects out of 66, will be develloped, check them out:


Call for collaborations is open till 4th of June. Collaborators will
participate in the production of selected projects to design objects,
installations and other platforms that gather and put into practice
networks of citizen knowledge locally.


Leading tutors: Platoniq, Douglas Repetto, and the working team formed
by Andrés Burbano, Alejandro Araque, Alejandro Duque and Alejandro


=== Reports and Interviews about what we do and how we do it ===

We have published on YouCoop a report on the Pueblo2Pueblo experience,
a temporal laboratory for p2p social strategies

in México DF.


Emprendedores, spanish mag about entrepreneurship and innovation has
recently published an interview

-> Short version Emprendedores:


-> Full version here:


=== GOTEO ===

AT LAST BUT NOT LEAST, we start a new adventure, whose codename is
GOTEO (drop by drop)

This is our new open R+D project.

Goteo is a community platform for cultural and social innovation p2p
financing, which is not exactly crowdfunding, but we do hope it will
be crowdfun to do it, not to mention very necessary.

We're starting with a research on creative currencies and
p2p-financing in order to facilitate the collection of funds and
skillsharing, tools for collective decission-making, both digital and
offline alternatives to the traditional subsidies financing systems,
integrating non-monetary transactions and vouchers based networks.

As Goteo's research process wants to be open and consequent with p2p
models, we'd like to share the process from the early beginning, so if
those concepts shake your foundations and you appreciate platoniq's
work, let's start a conversation.

Parallely, we're looking for social or cultural organizations ready to
share their problems and challenges to raise the issue of financing2.0
and co-design processes integration in the design of their activities
and policies.

Meanwhile, we recomend you to explore the following posts as a

Our Interview with Michael Linton on Open Money


A great conversation with Heloisa Primavera, Community Currencies


Platoniq's Ideiazoka experience at Mondragon coop.



Platoniq crew




hola a tots/totes!

Hem rebut uns quants emails de gent inscrita a la llista que volen
rebre més sovint informació de Platoniq. Aprofitem per a
recordar-vos que el sistema més pràctic és seguir-nos a través de
Twitter (http://www.twitter.com/platoniq) o subscriure-us al RSS de

A continuació aquí van les pròximes activitats i cròniques
publicades recentment i per acabar un anunci sobre GOTEO, una xarxa
social per al finançament distribuït que començarem a posar en
marxa aquest any.


==== MADRID ====

Estarem a Madrid del 7 al 24 de Juny com tutors en el programa de
tallers Interactius?10' del MediaLab-Prado.

Sota el títol de "Ciencia de Barrio", es produiran 11 projectes
d'artistes i desenvolupadors tecnològics. Aquí estan els
seleccionats de entre les 66 propostes presentades:


S'obre la convocatòria a col·laboradors fins al 4 de juny.


=== Cròniques i entrevistes sobre el que fem i còm ho fem ===

Podeu trobar els resultats del taller Poble2Poble a Mèxic:


La revista "Emprendedores" publica una entrevista sobre Platoniq en el
número d'aquest mes.

-> Link a l'article a la web de la revista:

- > Link a l'entrevista sencera (en castellà) a la nostra web:

=== GOTEO, una nova aventura ===

Començem amb una nova recera i desenvolupament. El projecte es diu
Goteo, una xarxa social per al finançament distribuït de projectes
d'innovació cultural del qual us anirem informant durant aquest any.

Aquestes són les bases:


-> Busquem entitats que vulguin donar suport o col·laborar en Goteo:

* Patrocinadors

* Comunitats d'emprenedors culturals

* Comunitats d'emprenedors socials

* Organitzacions socials que vulguin repensar un tema o construir un
projecte nou treballant amb creatius i desenvolupadors de TICs

* Programadors informàtics que vulguin treballar en projectes


Platoniq crew



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