[p2p-research] Job Losses and Productivity

Maria Droujkova droujkova at gmail.com
Wed May 19 11:37:57 CEST 2010

On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 10:50 PM, Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I personally think one of the areas of greatest unemployment will be
> education.  Schools are hopeless obsolete.  They are, in most rural places,
> the largest employers by far.  It is an equation that makes no sense as
> governments run out of money.  Why have teacher intensive schools in rural
> places?  It's not that I'm against them; I'm not.  They're simply obsolete.
> It is a matter of time.  People will fight it, and they'll lose.  It's like
> farming.  Same outcome.

What do you think about "Pennies for peace"? At first I thought they are
trying to export an obsolete idea. However, I talked to some people
involved, and it seems like it's more about "community-run learning

Maria Droujkova

Make math your own, to make your own math.

> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 2:52 PM, Maria Droujkova <droujkova at gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 3:40 PM, Ryan <rlanham1963 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  Once again...the same thesis...appearing in a different place.
>>> Millions of workers who have already been unemployed for months, if not
>>> years, will most likely remain that way even as the overall job market
>>> continues to improve, economists say. The occupations they worked in, and
>>> the skills they currently possess, are never coming back in style. And the
>>> demand for new types of skills moves a lot more quickly than workers —
>>> especially older and less mobile workers — are able to retrain and gain
>>> those skills.
>> Is this happening to school teachers and administrative stuff? It would
>> make sense as education becomes disintermediated - much like the job of a
>> travel agent, the job of someone "providing information" is now done by
>> students themselves, using online tools. The demand for mentors remains
>> high, but students increasingly seek them directly, as well.
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