[p2p-research] Fwd: Moving forward with the Appleseed Project!

Matt Cooperrider mattcooperrider at gmail.com
Thu May 13 01:33:34 CEST 2010

Appleseed is an open source social networking project with a focus on
creating distributed social networking protocols. I came across it a
few years back, and was impressed by the vision and concept. I'm glad
to see Michael is starting back up.

Would anyone with more technical skill be willing to check this out
and verify Michael's claim that he is way ahead of projects like Elgg?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Chisari <michael.chisari at gmail.com>
Date: Thu, May 13, 2010 at 9:22 AM
Subject: Moving forward with the Appleseed Project!
To: Michael Chisari <michael.chisari at gmail.com>

First things first, I want to apologize to everyone who has emailed me
and has not received a reply.  I have not been good about keeping up
with this project, and I hope to change that from now on.
With the recent privacy changes on Facebook, and the amount of op-ed's
calling for an open alternative, I've decide to re-open the Appleseed
Project, and try and figure out a direction forward.  I've been
looking at other proposed open social network softwares (elgg,
anahita, diaspora, onesocialweb), and I haven't seen anything yet that
is at the level that Appleseed is, so it would be a shame to leave it
to the graveyard of open source projects.  The goal is to try and get
some kind of funding or backing so that I can make this a priority.
So here is a list of resources for Appleseed so that we can push this
project forward.
I created a Mozilla Drumbeat profile.  Please create an account and
"like" the project so it gets noticed.
Also, I've created a test site for people who have been having
troubles installing Appleseed to get an account to play around with.
The site is pretty bare, but it's available here:
It does use an invite system, so if you'd like an invite, please email
me back and let me know.
I've set up a Google Group for discussions, available here:
And there's also a project/bug tracker using PHPCollab:
And a Wiki for documentation:
The main Appleseed project site is currently hosted on Sourceforge, in
case anyone's forgotten:
If you'd like to get involved with this project, and if you can help
in any way (code, translations, funding, testing), I urge you to do
so.  Thank you for supporting Appleseed!
Michael Chisari
michael.chisari at gmail.com

Matt Cooperrider
Strategic Account Manager, Collabforge pty ltd
collaboration ~ mass collaboration ~ social software
Mobile: + 61 (0) 468 954 779 ~ Office: + 61 (0) 3 96637 310
239 Rathdowne St, Carlton, Melbourne 3053
collabforge.com ~ twitter.com/mattcoop

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