[p2p-research] On the Extinction of Species

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri May 7 12:35:28 CEST 2010

hi timothy,

I forward to our list, though from your review, I cannot tell yet what
exactly it is saying?


On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 4:09 AM, Timothy Wilken, MD <timothy.wilken at gmail.com
> wrote:

> Michel and Samuel,
> This is an amazing book and of critical importance. I have corresponded
> with the author and gotten his permission to extract the the passages that
> describe his scientific hypothesis for circulation. I will send you a copy
> when that is ready. In the meantime, the entire book is available at Amazon.
> Circulate this as you feel appropriate.
> Best,
> Timothy
> ___________________________________
>  Understanding in Time
> [image: http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41hRCC3X2IL.jpg]<http://www.amazon.com/Katrina-Nights-Love-Time-Flooding/dp/1449995411/>
> *Amazon Books* <http://www.amazon.com/Katrina-Nights-Love-Time-Flooding/dp/1449995411/>–
> Timothy Wilken, MD reviews:Katrina Nights: Love in the Time of Flooding<http://www.amazon.com/Katrina-Nights-Love-Time-Flooding/dp/1449995411/ref=cm_aya_orig_subj>
> This brief but complex work can be viewed as a coming of age story, a
> stranger in a strange land tale, a terrorist thriller, or simply a ribald
> sexual romp, and it is all of these. But woven into the larger story is an
> important scientific hypothesis.
> Why is the brightest species on the planet in crisis? Why do our present
> actions threaten our very future?
> Although the book is described as a work of total fiction, many of the
> details reported in the story ring amazingly true. I suspect the story is a
> mixture of both truth and fiction.
> All of the following is true. Fouad Khan was born and bred in the Islamic
> Republic of Pakistan. He was a graduate student at the University of Houston
> in 2005-2007. Fouad was in America on a Fulbright scholarship to pursue a
> PhD degree in Environmental Engineering. For his thesis and research, he did
> study the population dynamics of hydrocarbon-eating bacteria.
> The story presented in the novel, describes the activities, thoughts,
> conversations, and research of a fictional graduate student who by
> coincidence also attends the University of Houston and is named Fouad Khan.
> In the process of this experience, Fouad discovers what he believes is an
> important truth about living populations. He titles his thesis: *On the
> Extinction of Species: Finding Sustainability in the Patterns of Life and
> Death*.
> If he is correct, and I believe that he is, then he has discovered the
> scientific basis for our present human crisis.
> Crisis is always the harbinger of an overwhelming problem. Fortunately,
> crisis has two components–Danger and Opportunity. When faced with crisis,
> there is almost always a window of opportunity, when intelligent action can
> avert most or at least some of the danger of the crisis. But, that
> opportunity is fleeting. The only rational response is Carpe diem — Seize
> the Day. We must recognize the opportunity in time and then act quickly and
> intelligently.
> This book will make you think, it may even transform you by challenging
> almost everything you belief about our modern world.
> Seriously!   *–Timothy*

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