[p2p-research] huge moral, cultural and political victory for thai commoner movmenet

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue May 4 08:55:31 CEST 2010

I don't have the reference with me, but yesterday's peace/negotiation offer
by PM abhisit is hugely important,

it accepts a date for early elections, which is too late but sets the stage
for a discussio

it accepts that the curernt political regime needs to be discussed

and it accepts that social reform is now on the agenda

nothing of this was on the agenda before and it changes the stance that the
current political system is democratic, and that it is business as usual as
far as the econony is concerned

of course, this needs to be concretized, maneuvering will take place, and
the promises/negotiations will perhaps not materialize,

but just for this, the 'red shirts' have already achieved more than nearly
any other social movement in thai history

it is also more difficult to engineer a massacre after this announcement,

and perhaps it was prompted by recent military intelligence estimates that
the red shirt virus was spreading like wildfire throughout the north and the

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