[p2p-research] Court Allows Unmasking of P2P Downloaders

Kevin Carson free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com
Tue May 4 08:31:29 CEST 2010

On 5/3/10, Ryan <rlanham1963 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Court Allows Unmasking of P2P Downloaders
> via Slashdot by Soulskill on 5/1/10
> The appeals court ruled in the RIAA’s favor (PDF) after balancing a constitutional right to remain anonymous against a copyright owner’s right to disclosure of the identity of a possible “trespasser of its intellectual property interest."'"

The logical response is to start disclosing the identity, home
addresses, etc., of the RIAA's leadership and senior management of
affiliated record companies.

It's amazing how irate such people become when hoist by their own
petard.  One example I recall especially vividly was of a town where
the police were sued for going through someone's trash.  The court
ruled there was no reasonable expectation of privacy because trash
left at the curb was abandoned.  Fair enough.  The local newspaper
sent reporters to dig through the trash of the chief of police and the
judge, and published all the interesting items they found.  The cop
and judge, of course, were incensed about the invasion of their

We're living in a network age, and these fine folks at the RIAA who
want to nullify our privacy may find they're living in glass houses.

Kevin Carson
Center for a Stateless Society http://c4ss.org
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