[p2p-research] Fwd: Banks, European comission and transparency

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue May 4 06:05:13 CEST 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dante-Gabryell Monson <dante.monson at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 6:32 AM
Subject: Re: Banks, European comission and transparency
To: gauthier kervyn <trasmoscas at gmail.com>
Cc: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

Merci Gauthier, I am sending it to Michel, in case he may know of people to
forward it to.
By the way Gauthier, did you write this ? ( Gauthier also speaks French and
Portuguese )

On Mon, Mar 15, 2010 at 12:23 AM, gauthier kervyn <trasmoscas at gmail.com>wrote:

>  Are the consumer'choices and the elections the only ways to exerce
> democracy?
> What if the investments made by the banks were totally transparent?
> Wouldn't we like to be able to choose what deserves to be done with our
> money?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dear representants of the people,
> I am an european citizen,
> According to my own research of justice, freedom and security and to my
> professional mission that is informing the public about the ways to achieve
> an environmentally sustainable and socially fairer society, I started to
> wonder about the measures proposed within the European Comission to permits
> every citizen to get the right to access to the reports of the investments
> made by the banks which keeps their money and to choose its bank according
> to the knowledge of this informations.
> There isn´t any bank for the moment that gives any exaustive list of the
> companies where it invests and the quantities of money invested in each one.
> I can't avoid thinking that there is a essencial lack of justice, freedom
> and security when there are, at the same time, many powerfull social
> presssures that push a citizen to open a bank account, and a sistematic
> secret on the investments made by the banks.
> Every citizen should have the right to choose its bank according to the
> complete and quantified reports of the detailed use that each bank makes of
> the money that it keeps.
> Why do the representants of the people leave the legists and private
> companies create a very isolated and conditioned system of decision into the
> banks, empowering only one or two main accionists and a few persons that
> have the education and the volonty for that; and leaving all the rest of the
> population unable to get access to the reports of the banks.
> The banks should have the same duty to give an anual report, summited to a
> public control,
> containing
> -a detailed definition of the company and of its project,
> -the date of the loan,
> -the percentage of the interest and time of refund.
> The political autorities as the European comission should create a legal
> structure that would allow every citizen and economical actor to get an
> exaustive report of the investments done by any bank that exerce its
> activity on the European territory.
> If the right of confidentiality for the companies that receive investments
> is stronger than the right of the citizen to choose what he wants and what
> he refuses its money to do, then we'll be forced to assume that the European
> Autorithies are unable to ensure the right of expression of the citizen´s
> fundamental aspirations, and subject to the diktat of an headless and
> unbridled economy.
> Thanks for your lovable collaboration,
> Best regards,
> Name:
> Last name:
>  send this letter to the representants of the people in the european
> comission:
>  http://ec.europa.eu/economy_finance/contact_en.htm

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