[p2p-research] Court Allows Unmasking of P2P Downloaders

Ryan rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Mon May 3 23:38:36 CEST 2010

  Sent to you by Ryan via Google Reader: Court Allows Unmasking of P2P
Downloaders via Slashdot by Soulskill on 5/1/10
bricko writes "A federal appeals court says copyright-infringing
downloaders can now be outed. If you use or have used P2P, this may
interest you. From Wired: 'The RIAA detected what it claimed to be
infringing activity on an IP address the university linked to the
student. The unidentified student moved to quash a federal judge’s
order that the university forward the student’s identity to the RIAA.
The student asserted a First Amendment right of privacy on the
Internet, in addition to a fair-use right to the six music tracks in
question. The appeals court ruled in the RIAA’s favor (PDF) after
balancing a constitutional right to remain anonymous against a
copyright owner’s right to disclosure of the identity of a possible
“trespasser of its intellectual property interest."'"

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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