[p2p-research] Fwd: Open p2p design Newsletter 01. May 2010

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon May 3 10:54:29 CEST 2010

Dear Massimo,

I'm excerpting an excerpt on May 9, if you want to update, feel free,


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: openp2pdesign.org <newsletter at openp2pdesign.org>
Date: Mon, May 3, 2010 at 2:50 AM
Subject: Newsletter 01. May 2010
To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com

       N°01 May 2010

In this issue:

   1. openp2pdesign.org:
   2. Version 1.5: openp2pdesign.org becomes an open source

openp2pdesign.org: Newsletter

Dear friends,
you are receiving this newsletter because we met at a workshop, lecture or
conference (or we are long time friends) and you showed interest in the
openp2pdesign.org project. This is the first newsletter of openp2pdesign.org,
I've added your address to this list, but if you don't want to receive this
newsletter anymore, you can unsubscribe (or edit your details)
here<http://www.openp2pdesign.org/newsletter/user/login.php>or you
can send me an e-mail<newsletter at openp2pdesign.org?subject=Unsubscribe+from+Newsletter>asking
for it.

>From this month, openp2pdesign.org undergoes a big change and becomes an
open source community, and we set up the newsletter in order to let you
follow our development easily. We hope you will like our work and that you
will keep following us.

Best regards,

Massimo Menichinelli

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Version 1.5: openp2pdesign.org becomes an open source community!

In May 2010, openp2pdesign.org reached a new milestone (version 1.5): from a
personal blog to *an open source community*. It took a lot of work to change
the website, but now we are ready to start (even if some functions and
contents will be added in the following weeks).
01. openp2pdesign.org, so far

As you may remember, the openp2pdesign.org project started in March 2005
with my *Master Degree Thesis* in the Faculty of Design of the Milan
Polytechnic. Therefore, for the first year (*March 2005 - April 2006*)
openp2pdesign.org was just a work in progress and it did not really exist
yet, I was producing the first source code.
As since back then the concepts of Open Design and Open P2P Design were in
their early days and there were very few opportunities to develop them
further, I started openp2pdesign.org in order to provide a space for
collective discussion and further research. It took then form of *a
website*towards the end of 2006, opening the
*2007* as *a multilanguage blog*, "Open Peer-to-Peer Design. Design for
Complexity" in English, Italian and Spanish.

Since then openp2pdesign.org has been a blog, but while the multilanguage
option proved to be very useful for international recognition, it slowed
down posting and other projects: writing the same content three times takes
a lot of time. With the number of projects and collaborations growing, the
publishing of contents slowly shifted *from the blog to Twitter and Facebook
*. In 2005 it made sense to write a thesis, in 2006/07 it made sense to
start a blog, in 2008/09 it made sense to move the discussion into other
social networks.

It makes sense now, in *2010*, to get back to the blog and to redesign it as
*an open source community*. During the past 5 years, the ideas behind Open
P2P Design and openp2pdesign.org proved to be really interesting with
growing international success, from Italy to Europe and Asia. Further
researches on Open P2P Design can take different directions and subjects, so
there's enough room for other people to come in and have an active role in
these researches. It is time now to open it to other people, as a way to
make the project bigger, to help great people show their knowledge and
experience, and as a way to *facilitate the emergence of a social system
dedicated to Design for Open, Collaborative and Complex Systems*.
As many of you have seen it in my recent presentations, the name of the
website is officially *openp2pdesign.org*, stressing the difference from the
Open P2P Design methodology (and as a reference to the inspiring neubauten.org
project <http://www.neubauten.org/?q=node/64>).
02. openp2pdesign.org, a strategic project for Open, Collaborative and
Complex Systems

While Open P2P Design is a methodology, openp2pdesign.org is a *strategic
design project* for enabling research and projects for Open, Collaborative
and Complex Systems. The tagline has changed too and now it is: *Metadesign
for Open Systems, Processes, Projects.
Studying and enabling Design for Open, Collaborative and Complex Systems
since 2005.*
What is a strategic project? A brief definition of strategic

the integrated body of products, services and communication strategies that
business and social actors conceive and develop to obtain a set of specific
strategic results.

If you're not familiar with this concept, just think about *Make Magazine*;
it's more than a magazine, it is a complete strategic project that offers:

   - Make Magazine <http://www.makezine.com/>
   - Maker Faire <http://makerfaire.com/>
   - Books <http://www.makershed.com/SearchResults.asp?Cat=47>
   - Make: television <http://www.makezine.tv/>
   - Make Controller Kit <http://makezine.com/controller/>
   - Craft Magazine <http://http//www.craftzine.com/>

This means that Make, as a strategic project, offers all the *Tools,
Knowledge and Systems* you need for developing DIY / Craft projects. We have
therefore *Metadesign projects offered within a whole Strategic Design
project*. openp2pdesign.org is going to about *Metadesign projects for
enabling Design for Open, Collaborative and Complex Systems offered within a
whole Strategic Design project*.
03. openp2pdesign.org, the core group and the collaborative activity

Right now, openp2pdesign.org is made of a *core group*, some of the great
people I've found during these years and that have experience and knowledge
about Design for Open, Collaborative and Complex Systems and at the same
time they know how to collaborate and share. They
are<http://www.openp2pdesign.org/people>Miae Kim (South Korea),
Federico Weber (Italy), Mauro Costa (Portugal /
Spain), Roger Pitiot (France / South Korea).
During the next months, we will design the *collaborative activity* of the
open source community of openp2pdesign.org; and yes, we are going to use the
Open P2P Design methodology for this task. You can track this process in the
meta.openp2pdesign.org page. Once this collaborative activity is stable, we
will open it to the participation and everybody will be able to join us and
be part of it. We hope it will be ready by the end of 2010, meanwhile the
blog will work, and you can follow our projects in it or subscribing to our
newsletter on the Contact page or here below:
03. openp2pdesign.org, the new website

The whole website has been redesigned and restructured; even though we kept
the multilanguage posts, now English is the main language. Everything is
more or less ready by now, just expect contents and functionalities to be
improved or added. Heres' the new structure:

   1. About <http://www.openp2pdesign.org/about>
   A page about openp2pdesign.org and how it works.
   2. People <http://www.openp2pdesign.org/people>
   The profiles of all the people involved in openp2pdesign.org.
   3. Project <http://www.openp2pdesign.org/projects>
   Past and current openp2pdesign.org projects.
   4. Blog <http://www.openp2pdesign.org/blog/>
   The blog, with the old posts as well.
   5. Wiki <http://www.openp2pdesign.org/wiki>
   The wiki, for collaborative writing, future books and projects.
   6. System <http://www.openp2pdesign.org/system>
   Links to other people, projects, companies, institutions part of the Open
   P2P Design ecosystem
   7. Source <http://www.openp2pdesign.org/source>
   The source code of openp2pdesign.org, here you can find all the files you
   can freely download: Press files, Texts (Books, Papers, Guides), Tools,
   Maps, Presentations.
   8. SVN <http://www.openp2pdesign.org/websvn>
   The WebSVN interface to the openp2pdesign.org subversion repositories.
   Here you can browse the repositories used in our projects and workshops.
   9. Twitter <http://www.openp2pdesign.org/twitter>
   The stream of our Tweets, as with Twitter we can publish more
   informations than with blogging.
   10. Contact <http://www.openp2pdesign.org/contact>
   The contact and newsletter page, where you can send an e-mail to us or
   subscribe to openp2pdesign.org newsletter in order to be informed about
   our projects and updates.

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  [image: Creative Commons
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

openp2pdesign.org <http://www.openp2pdesign.org/>
*Metadesign for Open Systems, Processes, Projects.
Studying and enabling Design for Open, Collaborative and Complex Systems
since 2005.*

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Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
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Think thank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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