[p2p-research] Ning alternatives

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Mon May 3 04:11:44 CEST 2010

Dear Sepp and Sam,

I would like to support Vennessa's (et al) Junto project by presenting it in
our blog, but as you know, platforms are not my piece of cake, so I'm hoping
that one of you can present it.

What I like about , is what Venessa says here, which I think is exactly what
needs to be done: http://emergentbydesign.com/2010/04/17/junto-is-born/

 i don’t want to reinvent any wheels! i want to assemble pieces that already
exist into an open source platform for dialogue & collaboration.

If you guys don't have much time, I'm sure Vennessa can supply some textual
and visual material, thanks for following it up, as I'm leaving tomorrow for
five weeks again,


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