[p2p-research] Fwd: on the need for educational transmission in p2p

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun May 2 16:56:54 CEST 2010

On Sun, May 2, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Pamela McLean <pam54321 at googlemail.com>wrote:

> Hi Franz and everyone.
> I have highlighted the parts of Franz's email below to show the parts that
> I respond to in my heart and mind, and would like to discuss in depth at
> some point - in general and specific ways. (apologies if this is a list
> where I should only use the simplest kind of text and should not have used
> highlighting)
> For now, regarding a detailed response I simply flag up some related
> specific examples to support what Franz is suggesting.
> Ref "every local community experience and feed it back into a
> living body of experience"  and " Lampao village....too dry.... solar
> driven pump; a solar collector should turn solar energy into mechanical
> energy....  That mechanical energy should drive the pump. or if there
> are some niftier connections between the thermal and the flow side, find
> out about them."
> Such information would be relevant and valuable for Attachab eco-village
> http://www.dadamac.net/projects/attachab
> The land is bordered by a river. They have a long dry season and would
> welcome knowing more about good practice for irrigation using solar energy -
> if it was practical and affordable.
> I also note the reference to studying fishery. The team at Attachab have
> experimented with fish farming. Their experiments included making temporary
> ponds which used the water from the river during the dry season - knowing
> that when the rainy season came the walls of the ponds would be washed away.
> Their previous ponds were unsuccessful because there was not a sufficient
> flow of water through them. My impression is that solar energy is not
> appropriate for pumping water on the scale that would be needed to have
> successful pond on higher ground fed from the water supply of the river. If
> progress is made in this respect we would love to know about it - even if it
> is just for some irrigation, and not for the fish ponds.
> Ref "This link between virtual and physical community is in a nutshell the
> core
> of the educational system that we need"
> I agree completely - or at least I do if I have understood Franz's meaning
> correctly. I understand him to mean a new kind of collaborative approach to
> learning that is enabled through a virtual community, but is also very real
> in a local sense. We have been talking our own small steps towards this
> through our "First Thursday" chats and similar online exchanges of
> information.
> Recent examples are biomass stoves:
> http://dadamac.posterous.com/first-thursday-continuation-session-april-29t
> http://dadamac.posterous.com/topic-thursday-bucket-stoves-with-chat-archiv
> and using twitter (how and why - to help people in our virtual community to
> connect more easily with each other online - and with other people):
> http://dadamac.posterous.com/second-thursday-twitter-in-the-chat-room
> http://dadamac.posterous.com/oops-belated-april-8th-twitter-report
> http://dadamac.posterous.com/third-thursday-april-15th-twitter-in-the-chat
> http://dadamac.posterous.com/dadamac-tweeters-session
> I am not able to follow all that goes on in P2P - but I hope I manage to
> keep up with this thread.
> Pamela
>   ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>
> Date: 2 May 2010 07:02
> Subject: [p2p-research] on the need for educational transmission in p2p
> To: Franz Nahrada <f.nahrada at reflex.at>, daniel at levelsixmedia.com, Samuel
> Rose <samuel.rose at gmail.com>
> Cc: Peer-To-Peer Research List <p2presearch at listcultures.org>
> an important call and message from franz naharada:
> I just peeked into the latest p2p digest and found these VERY wise words
> by Daniel Araya
> "Can stigmergic innovation replace corporations and property-based
> capitalism? I would say yes possibly: If the innovation cycle is faster
> and of higher quality. In the meantime I see corporations developing
> platforms for collaborative innovation as the next wave of capitalism. P2P
> may ultimately replace this (I add: abusive scheme of)
> crowdsourcing/user-innovation but I would still argue that none of this
> will happen without a cultural project focused on transmitting skills and
> ideas. In other words, education... "
> Thats exactly what our focus must be in the coming months and years.
> Collective self-education as the center of transformation.
> Thats why I also think teaming up with Global Innovation Commons is
> utterly important.
> We must vigorously ask for the creation of a p2p education and knowledge
> transfer system that is focussed on local resilience and practical
> capabilities. We must do everything to link up with Transition Towns, Gaia
> University, P2PU and likeminded institutions and motivate those networks
> to reach out even more to local cores of community building that result in
> building, doing, making - at high quality.
> We must participate in larger efforts to phrase and distill the global
> importance of every local community experience and feed it back into a
> living body of experience.
> That is why I think VideoBridge is an important piece in the puzle.
> Your upcoming trip to Italy and the meeting with Negri and other
> multipliers is a unique opportunity to deepen the understanding that
> *attention has to be decoupled from the temporary and spectacular* and *it
> should be focussed on the reality of "bringing the mind home" into our
> everyday world* and thus lead to real connectedness.
> I see the ''piazza telematica'' idea refer and resonate with education and
> productive capacities, and in my view the conditions are super - ripe ;
> especially in italy  ; to lay out a more concrete vision of community
> empowerment.
> I tooled for some time on the technological side (Videobridging) and we
> are still struggling to create our collaboration rooms that really enable
> us to combine global cooperation with local impact. Giuseppe is one of the
> VideoBridgers and I hope he will come up with community based solutions in
> Italy.
> Video is one indispensible factor of this. But also design languages and
> common standards, and last but not least also a repository of stuff.
> (hence my emphasis on Global Innovation Commons)
> How will we bring this all together?
> a very small - seemingly unsignificant - example comes to my mind:
> One of our people who work in the village of Kirchbach
> (franz.rieger at hotmail.com ) is currently in Thailand. Its a really good
> example also in relation to your red shirt stories - a very poor area
> named Isaan.  He has been there for three months, helping in the
> development of the so called Lampao village. He is supporting a family
> there since years - pays for the tuition and living costs of 2 sons, one
> of them in Chiang Mai studying fishery by the way ;-)
> So here they are. A poor Village of (90%) rice farmers, and the rice field
> is too dry, and there is only one harvest per year possible. Education is
> very poor there, the agricultural equipment is old, the soil is sandy and
> dry, as is the climate outside the rain season. On the other side there is
> a giant artificial lake nearby, but it is located deeper than the rice
> fields of this particular village. So they came up with the idea of a
> solar driven pump; a solar collector should turn solar energy into
> mechanical energy (something that Juergen Kleinwaechter has already done
> with Sun Pulse). That mechanical energy should drive the pump. or if there
> are some niftier connections between the thermal and the flow side, find
> out about them.
> Kirchbach is the village where VideoBridging originated. Its great that
> people from there are engaging in global projects. It would be wonderful
> if there would be opportunities to link up individuals and groups all over
> the world in Videobridge centers to start synchronous telecooperation to
> solve everyday problems and empower people to deal with efficient
> technologies. Or even better, use the visual medium to clearly capture
> present and demonstrate problematiques and apply and comment on these
> visuals in video conversations.
> I encouraged Franz Rieger to address you in this context.
> This link between virtual and physical community is in a nutshell the core
> of the educational system that we need. We must start talking about it,
> and see who will be there to build it. We should at least be part of that
> effort.
> Franz
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Franz Nahrada <f.nahrada at reflex.at>
> Date: Sun, May 2, 2010 at 4:26 AM
> Subject: Re: Reminder: VideoBridge Community in Greece
> To: michelsub2004 at gmail.com
> Cc: franz.rieger at hotmail.com, leitner at wikiservice.at, ralf at zoo.priv.at,
> uweplachetka at hotmail.com, giuseppesilvi at yahoo.it, gabram at aicalmi.it
> Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> schreibt:
> >hi franz,
> >
> >I'm leaving for another 5 weeks in 2-3 days, and ritght now,
> >going through my previous trip backlog, and stressing myself in the
> >process ...
> >
> >how can we make any progress,
> >I'm not hearing much from George P. ...
> >
> >Michel
> That is why I thought  a good step could be made in Italy. I have not
> heard from "my" (VideoBridge) people in Greece either recently. But maybe
> we could really bring up the issue simultaneously in several countries and
> use the momentum wherever we are in the moment.
>  I suggest you forward the following to your convenience:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I just peeked into the latest p2p digest and found these VERY wise words
> by Daniel Araya
> "Can stigmergic innovation replace corporations and property-based
> capitalism? I would say yes possibly: If the innovation cycle is faster
> and of higher quality. In the meantime I see corporations developing
> platforms for collaborative innovation as the next wave of capitalism. P2P
> may ultimately replace this (I add: abusive scheme of)
> crowdsourcing/user-innovation but I would still argue that none of this
> will happen without a cultural project focused on transmitting skills and
> ideas. In other words, education... "
> Thats exactly what our focus must be in the coming months and years.
> Collective self-education as the center of transformation.
> Thats why I also think teaming up with Global Innovation Commons is
> utterly important.
> We must vigorously ask for the creation of a p2p education and knowledge
> transfer system that is focussed on local resilience and practical
> capabilities. We must do everything to link up with Transition Towns, Gaia
> University, P2PU and likeminded institutions and motivate those networks
> to reach out even more to local cores of community building that result in
> building, doing, making - at high quality.
> We must participate in larger efforts to phrase and distill the global
> importance of every local community experience and feed it back into a
> living body of experience.
> That is why I think VideoBridge is an important piece in the puzle.
> Your upcoming trip to Italy and the meeting with Negri and other
> multipliers is a unique opportunity to deepen the understanding that
> *attention has to be decoupled from the temporary and spectacular* and *it
> should be focussed on the reality of "bringing the mind home" into our
> everyday world* and thus lead to real connectedness.
> I see the ''piazza telematica'' idea refer and resonate with education and
> productive capacities, and in my view the conditions are super - ripe ;
> especially in italy  ; to lay out a more concrete vision of community
> empowerment.
> I tooled for some time on the technological side (Videobridging) and we
> are still struggling to create our collaboration rooms that really enable
> us to combine global cooperation with local impact. Giuseppe is one of the
> VideoBridgers and I hope he will come up with community based solutions in
> Italy.
> Video is one indispensible factor of this. But also design languages and
> common standards, and last but not least also a repository of stuff.
> (hence my emphasis on Global Innovation Commons)
> How will we bring this all together?
> a very small - seemingly unsignificant - example comes to my mind:
> One of our people who work in the village of Kirchbach
> (franz.rieger at hotmail.com ) is currently in Thailand. Its a really good
> example also in relation to your red shirt stories - a very poor area
> named Isaan.  He has been there for three months, helping in the
> development of the so called Lampao village. He is supporting a family
> there since years - pays for the tuition and living costs of 2 sons, one
> of them in Chiang Mai studying fishery by the way ;-)
> So here they are. A poor Village of (90%) rice farmers, and the rice field
> is too dry, and there is only one harvest per year possible. Education is
> very poor there, the agricultural equipment is old, the soil is sandy and
> dry, as is the climate outside the rain season. On the other side there is
> a giant artificial lake nearby, but it is located deeper than the rice
> fields of this particular village. So they came up with the idea of a
> solar driven pump; a solar collector should turn solar energy into
> mechanical energy (something that Juergen Kleinwaechter has already done
> with Sun Pulse). That mechanical energy should drive the pump. or if there
> are some niftier connections between the thermal and the flow side, find
> out about them.
> Kirchbach is the village where VideoBridging originated. Its great that
> people from there are engaging in global projects. It would be wonderful
> if there would be opportunities to link up individuals and groups all over
> the world in Videobridge centers to start synchronous telecooperation to
> solve everyday problems and empower people to deal with efficient
> technologies. Or even better, use the visual medium to clearly capture
> present and demonstrate problematiques and apply and comment on these
> visuals in video conversations.
> I encouraged Franz Rieger to address you in this context.
> This link between virtual and physical community is in a nutshell the core
> of the educational system that we need. We must start talking about it,
> and see who will be there to build it. We should at least be part of that
> effort.
> Franz
> --
> Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Think
> thank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
> P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net
> Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:
> http://listcultures.org/mailman/listinfo/p2presearch_listcultures.org
> Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
> http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
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Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Think thank:

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
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