[p2p-research] Fwd: [a2k2010] A2K meeting report and presentations online

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun May 2 09:11:40 CEST 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Prof. Becky Lentz <becky.lentz at mcgill.ca>
Date: Sat, May 1, 2010 at 10:39 PM
Subject: Re: [a2k2010] A2K meeting report and presentations online
To: "a2k2010 at ip.consumersinternational.org" <
a2k2010 at ip.consumersinternational.org>

Dear Colleagues,

Based on what was discussed at the recent global meeting, I thought this
might be of interest to some of you. Again, great to meet all of you and
also, thanks to the CI KL office for their amazing planning and support for
the meeting.


*Interface: a journal for and about social movements
The development and increased visibility of social movements in the last few
years, has made it clear just how much knowledge movements generate. This
knowledge is generated across the globe, and in many contexts and a variety
of ways.

We are activists from different movements and different countries,
researchers working with movements, and progressive academics from various
countries. We have been involved in many different projects to support and
develop the recent knowledge generation processes around contemporary social
movements. Through this work we have come to recognise how much we stand to
learn from each other – from the specific experiences of movements, from the
languages that have been developed within and around different movements,
and from different places and times.

The purpose of this journal is to learn from each other's struggles:

   - across movements and issues
   - across continents and cultures
   - across theoretical and disciplinary traditions.

The journal will be a space for abstraction from and translation between
movements. It will seek to develop analysis and knowledge by both movement
participants and academics who are developing movement-relevant theory and
research. The journal seeks to include material that can be used in concrete
ways by movements. The material may do this through its content, but also
through its language, purpose and form. We hope this process will allow
generic lessons to be learned from specific movement processes and
experiences. We hope to translate knowledge across and between different
movement contexts. Movements have always generated knowledge, both
internally and in alliance with other movements.

We would like to continue the rich tradition already established by many
activists, researchers and academics. It is the aim of this journal to add
to and amplify the processes that already exist; the journal does not seek
to substitute itself in any way for these already existing processes.

Our vision is for a practitioner journal where activist and academic peers
will review each other's work as part of this process of translation. We
will be seeking both formal research (qualitative and quantitative) and
practically-grounded work on all aspects of social movements. We will be
seeking work in a range of different formats, suited to the different voices
speaking within the journal. These might range across (for example):

   - conventional articles
   - review essays
   - facilitated discussions and interviews
   - action notes
   - teaching notes
   - key documents and analysis
   - book reviews
   - ...and beyond.

Our focus in the editing process will be on bringing out and sharing the
quality of each other's knowledge from one movement to another. We will seek
to assist authors to find ways of expressing their understanding, so that we
all can be heard across geographical, social and political distances.

The journal will be online, free, and multilingual, in order to make it as
widely accessible as possible. Our hope is to have a number of
semi-autonomous groups focussed in different regions of the world and on
different languages. These groups would share a common vision and translate
articles from and for each other, but with a wide degree of freedom in how
they go about developing their own section of the journal.

*Please join us
We are looking for activist researchers, whether in movement or academic
contexts, who are engaged in developing knowledge from and for social
movements and feel they might be interested in working with us to develop
this project.

We are also looking for theorists, activists and academics who may not be
interested in being this closely involved, but would be willing to sit on an
editorial advisory board and review articles, suggest directions, etc.

We are working on building links with possible editorial groups beyond the
one group already in existence, recruiting an advisory board and attracting
funding for translation and technical support. All suggestions and help will
be very gratefully received!

If you are interested in this project and would like to
participate, please email Laurence Cox
<mailto:laurence.cox at nuim.ie<laurence.cox at nuim.ie>>
 or join the journal planning Google group <
http://groups.google.com/group/globaljournalproject> .

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Think thank:

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
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