[p2p-research] [Commoning] Re(markets without capital?): new post

Franz Nahrada f.nahrada at reflex.at
Tue Mar 30 21:40:03 CEST 2010

"Andreas Exner" <andreas.exner at chello.at> schreibt:
>Capital accumulation is in no way caused or driven by interest (as you 
>suggest probably).
>First of all, the abstract nature of economic value (embodied by money) 
>(resulting in "quantitativism" and "boundless growth")
>Secondly, by competition for abstract value.
>Interest is a secondary phenomenon (actually hampering growth, as common 
>economic policy measures show).

Andreas, i do not quite agree with that juxtaposition.

In fact, the shere tendency of value to become the governing structure of
is begetting certain logical steps that you seem to omit.

The accumulation imperative does not fall from heaven. 
It is enacted by certain value forms that make value production the
dominant motive.

Marx had demonstrated this in his analysis of money functions and
especially by
the sharp distinction of money as ''means of circulation''
and ''means of payment'' (Zahlungsmittel).

It is through the developments of value forms itself that the growth
imperative becomes so powerful:
Whilst in "means of circulation" money is a temporary phase in the
metamorphosis of commodities, in "means of payment" its becoming the
dedicated task of production.

Value is only real in its forms, and Money, Capital and Interest are the
developed forms of value and not something alien or secondary to value.
Everything else is pure metaphysics. Value exists in money. Money exists
in Capital. Capital exists in productive capital, commercial capital and
financial capital. We can only understand these social realities when we
understand their value nature.

Each new form of value breaks the limitations of the previous form,
without ever being able to overcome the basic limitation of value, that it
only exists as a relation of concrete work to a social standard of
productivity that the concrete work needs to fulfill and its product needs
to represent. (And of course, this means that value is a self-negating
structure, a social anti-pattern, because each action or attempt of
value-creation is challenging the value-nature of everything else)

In this respect interest is nothing secondary but really the breaking of
the limitation of a given capitals size that endangers this task, allowing
for boundless accumulation to become primary task and constraint of social


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