[p2p-research] Fwd: Celebrations, Gratitude, and Share on! Thrivability: A Collaborative Sketch

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 08:23:43 CEST 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: jean russell <jeanmrussell at gmail.com>
Date: Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 3:42 AM
Subject: Celebrations, Gratitude, and Share on! Thrivability: A
Collaborative Sketch
To: Thrivable <thrivable at gmail.com>

*Dearest Thrivable Contributors!!! *
(I say that, and yet I want to shout something fantastical like MY MAGICAL
HEROES! but it seems a bit over the top, you might not believe how deeply
touched I am with that kind of flourishing gesture.)

*Thank you - from ever fiber of my being -  for your incredible help,
particularly in the last 3 months.*

I was speaking with someone in publishing at sxsw. An author. When he heard
we had 64 contributors all add pieces in less than 3 months he was floored.
He had to ask again. With huge eyes he asked, how did you do it? And really,
I have to say *it was you*. You have each and all been incredibly generous
in making this project work fluidly. *Thank you for your responsiveness and
generosity.* Some of you have even contributed funds. I am so honored. Thank

*I have revised the slideshow and PDF so that each page links to either your
twitter account or website.*
Please email me any corrections.

This is pretty long. *Feel free to jump to the END - #5!!!*

*We have done very well! *
During sxsw, I repeatedly received notifications from slideshare that we
were the most tweeted item and most facebooked item. (Cringing a little at
the verbage...but you get it) We were editor's choice. They rotate these
quickly, but thanks to you passing around the book, we kept spiking. (note:
I had one email with a typo in the first 24 hours and none since.)

We have had 4000 views on slideshare! 4000!

What is much more important than how many people get this book is that
people can be inspired by your pieces. *People who can be drawn to work with
you and us in co-creating a thrivable world.* So thank you. You shared this
with your friends. And I strongly suspect those are the right people. I am
really thankful.

Importantly, to continue giving a majority of my time to moving Thrivability
forward at this time, I needed funds. I gave nearly all my time, money, and
energy to launch this project. I really needed to come away from the launch
with a way to keep going. It arrived. *A donor is depositing $5000 in my
account today. *That gift is because of your magnificence. You shined. And
the donor saw that. Thank you.

Please share the feedback you have received on it. No one has been kind
enough to give me any real criticism directly. The most common comments I
hear are: Wow, beautiful, and poetic.

*Where do we go from here?*

*1. Incorporate *
I will use the donation funds to incorporate *Thrivable.org as an LLC* for
now. We will do the paperwork for the fiscal sponsorship this summer as part
of our hybrid model. I want community developed IP to be held in the
commons. The book -as a collection- will belong there too. Website donations
will go toward our next project.

*2. Discussion *
People want time to savor the pages of the book. We will start *weekly
discussions*, exploring the book one page at a time. Discussions will be
held on the wagn: http://thrivable.wagn.org/wagn/Book+Full - there is a
comment function under each "page" of the book. You are not required to
participate in the discussion of your page. However, it would be absolutely
lovely to have you there.

*3. Gather in Groups*
I opened a *google group* to connect and share with those interested in
thrivability. Announcements of conversations and activities of the
collective will be shared with this tool. If you haven't joined yet, please
* Group home page: http://groups.google.com/group/thrivability
* Group email address thrivability at googlegroups.com

Yes, I was also encouraged into opening a facebook group and page. Hmmm. I
will do my best to cross post between the google group and the facebook
page, but I warn you now - the google group comes first. Where was the
announcment: RT @zyOzyfounder <http://topsy.com/twitter/zyozyfounder> join
@nurtureGirl <http://topsy.com/twitter/nurturegirl> 's
http://is.gd/aTCkQ "the seed is there, lets add some water & sunlight"

*4. Printing
*I hear a lot of request for a paper version.* Some have printed out the
PDF. We will work on getting a paper version for distribution.

*5. Share
Lastly! *If you have not (or would like to again!), please share the book
with your network.  *

Sample tweet or update message:

   - @valdiskrebs #*Thrivability* A Collaborative Sketch a collection of
   over 60 essays crafting a topography for thriving http://bit.ly/blis9G
   - @byrnegreen Honored to have contributed a piece to
   A Collaborative Sketch web: http://bit.ly/czEW4u slideshare:
   - @ken_homer <http://twitter.com/ken_homer> Breakthrough: Intention,
   Imagine, Evolve, Initiate, Interconnect & Innovate. Leilani Henry
   http://bit.ly/dbNvxY #thrivability
   - ken_homer <http://twitter.com/ken_homer>Thrivable design listens
   patiently, entering dialogue w/potential users who find the new terms
   difficult.~ J. Guldi http://bit.ly/dbNvxY
   - CDEgger <http://twitter.com/CDEgger>Saturday
   art-reading-thinking-meditating material- #thrivability collaboration
   http://bit.ly/bhfnhf (slide 3 for oh-so-many familiar names)
   - @ken_homer <http://twitter.com/ken_homer> Oh how true! "Playful is
   better than intellectual." ~ Joe Bill in the #thrivability book:
   - @CDEgger <http://twitter.com/CDEgger>: #thrivable
RT at VenessaMiemis<http://twitter.com/VenessaMiemis>almost cried looking
at table of contents. this is how we bld
   strengths-based society! thx! http://bit.ly/bhfnhf

And some ways contributors have been sharing:

   - http://www.mushin.eu/en/blog/thrivability-a-collaborative-sketch/

Deeply profoundly grateful. Thank you for engaging with me in this process.
I am eager to journey forth with you. And I am grateful we could test and
prove how the flash collaboration model can be really wonderful.

In grace,

Jean Russell

"Act always as if the future of the universe depended on what you did, while
laughing at yourself for thinking that whatever you do makes any
difference." -- Buddha

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Think thank:

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
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