[p2p-research] Fwd: How to Find ( Intentional ) Community

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 28 14:38:07 CEST 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dante-Gabryell Monson <dante at ecobytes.net>
Date: Sun, Mar 28, 2010 at 7:24 PM
Subject: Fwd: How to Find ( Intentional ) Community
To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

*<< One of the most frequently asked questions through our **web contact
form at ic.org* <http://www.ic.org/in/contact.php>* relates to exactly that
part of our mission, and goes something like this: "** **I was wondering if
you have some suggestions for me in regards to visiting or joining an
intentional community.**" >>*
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Fellowship eNews <noreply at ic.org>
Date: Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 4:34 PM
Subject: How to Find Community
To: dante at ecobytes.net

    [image: WWW.IC.ORG masthead] <http://www.ic.org/>

*The Fellowship for Intentional Community*
*Promoting Community Living & Cooperative Lifestyles*
*Communities magazine, Directory, Video and more*
How to Find and Join an Intentional Community
by McCune Porter, eNews editor
A key component of the non-profit Fellowship's mission is "*To serve as a
reference source* for those seeking intentional communities, conferences,
and other community building experiences and practices appropriate to their

One of the most frequently asked questions through our web contact form at
ic.org <http://www.ic.org/in/contact.php> relates to exactly that part of
our mission, and goes something like this: " *I was wondering if you have
some suggestions for me in regards to visiting or joining an intentional

The writer may go on to further detail her/his interests and skills, and may
state preferences for a region or country, such as in this paraphrased
recent example:"* I was hoping you could help me in my search for an
opportunity to work or volunteer in an ecovillage or community in Southern

Here is an outline of the sort of references we give to those asking for
such information. Most of this is free information available online:

*1)Search the FIC's Online Directory <http://directory.ic.org/>. *Visit our
homepage, then click on the tab labeled Directory to begin your search for
communities that meet any requirements you may have. Contact the communities
individually on the list you generate and pose your questions to each
community on the list. To contact an individual community, use the contact
information at the upper right of that community's listing.

Communities by alphabetic list <http://directory.ic.org/iclist>
 Communities by geographic list <http://directory.ic.org/iclist/geo.php>
 Search using maps <http://directory.ic.org/maps/>
 Advanced search <http://directory.ic.org/records/?action=search>
 Complete advanced

Note regarding advanced searches: There is a check box on these pages which
has an important effect on the results which reads "Check here to include
communities who have not answered a given question in search results."

The *Search Our Site box* at the top left of every page on our site might
also prove useful if none of the other online Directory search tools seems
to help locate what you're seeking.

*2)REACHBook Online Bulletin Board <http://reach.ic.org/>*. Read the
postings and/or post on our free online bulletin board which is read by
thousands of people. Looking for communities that have openings? Follow this
link to see current
such a search.

*3)Print Books and magazine*. Our print resources may be helpful,
particularly the Communities Directory
<http://store.ic.org/directory>, Communities
magazine <http://store.ic.org/communities>, and the book *Finding Community:
How to Join an Ecovillage or Intentional
all of the titles in our online bookstore that are in the category Finding
Community here <http://store.ic.org/catalog/index.php?cPath=34_32>.

*4)Networking Events*. Attend one or more regional or national intentional
community events <http://events.ic.org/events/>. The FIC sponsors some of
these, for example the Art of Community event <http://fic.ic.org/aofc/> held
last weekend outside Philadelphia. These events are an excellent way to make
connections with other community seekers and are often attended by
representatives of various intentional communities.

*5)Other Resources Beyond Those Provided by The Fellowship. *There are a few
other directories online or in print that are of value if you're interested
in cohousing <http://www.cohousing.org/> , communities in the
or communities in Europe <http://www.eurotopia.de/englverzeichnis.html>.
There is a forum that hosts <http://www.tribe.net/>various intentional
community discussion groups. Search yahoogroups and google groups for
others. The FEC has a helpful article <http://www.thefec.org/node/55> on
visiting a community within their network.

   <http://store.ic.org/directory> [image:
Eurotopia]<http://www.eurotopia.de/englverzeichnis.html> [image:
Diggers and Dreamers] <http://www.diggersanddreamers.org.uk/> [image:
Finding Community]<http://store.ic.org/catalog/product_info.php?cPath=34_32&products_id=359>
Cohousing] <http://www.cohousing.org/> <http://www.thefec.org/node/55> [image:
Tribe Net] <http://www.tribe.net/> [image: Art of
[image: Join our Cause on Facebook] <http://apps.facebook.com/causes/413476>

 This eNewsletter is a publication of the Fellowship for Intentional
Community, in circulation since 1999, serving 8000+ subscribers.

This email was sent to Dante-Gabryell Monson at this address
dante at ecobytes.net

We have the following contact information and postal address status
associated with your email address:

Dante-Gabryell Monson, dante at ecobytes.net,

*MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION*.  Spring #146 is the current issue and was mailed to
subscribers in late February. If you recently subscribed your first issue
likely is still in transit; please allow plenty of delivery time for
magazine rate mail!

Your subscription status is as follows: *None. *This information is current
(however, in occasional circumstances it may have been last updated on

To subscribe or renew please contact
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*FIC MEMBERSHIP*. According to our records the status of the paid individual
or group FIC membership listed at your address above is as follows:
*None*This information is current (however, in occasional
circumstances it may
have been last updated on 3/1/2010.)

  Fellowship membership is a *separate service* from a Communities magazine
  or eNews subscription.

Please note renewals received this month may not be reflected here nor will
the membership status of Organizational Staffers (Board, Implementers, etc.)
Also note that communities and organizations often are listed in our records
under a group name and under one or more individual's names. Membership and
magazine subscriptions are separate purchases; members are entitled to
subscription discounts.

*CHANGED YOUR INFORMATION?* Please keep us informed of any changes in your
customer information as displayed here. For best service use your customer
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*  To UNSUBSCRIBE from this newsletter send a blank email to
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*  If a friend forwarded you a copy of this online newsletter and you would
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SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Please send both your NAME and EMAIL. If you
wish to get a few postal mailings per year from us also send your postal
address in the body of the email.


   - We share postal mail addresses occasionally with like-minded
   organizations. We do not sell, rent or share email addresses with any other
   organization. Let us know if you prefer to not share your mailing address.
   - We do NOT telemarket, and do not sell, rent or share phone numbers with
   any other organization or business.

*MAILINGS*. We email to the Fellowship list once per week to announce
events, new publications, and new editions. We send postal mail less
frequently, typically a few times per year. Please let us know if you would
prefer to receive announcements from us by postal mail, email, both, or
prefer customer service contact only.

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Think thank:

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
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