[p2p-research] Fwd: [opennetcoalition] Defense of the Internet:European civil society organizes a protest action at the Summit of the EU Ministers of Culture

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 11:30:26 CET 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: simona.conservas.eXgae <info at conservas.tk>
Date: Wed, Mar 24, 2010 at 6:35 PM
Subject: [opennetcoalition] Defense of the Internet:European civil society
organizes a protest action at the Summit of the EU Ministers of Culture
To: fcforum_discussion at fcforum.net, edri-members at mailman.edri.org,
opennetcoalition at laquadrature.net, a2k at lists.essential.org, nettime at kein.org,
eXgae <contacto at exgae.net>, DERECHOS <derechos at list.fcforum.net>,
assessoria at list.fcforum.net

*European civil society organizes an unprecedented protest action at the
Summit of the EU Ministers of Culture.*

Individuals, artists and NGO's, including, among others, FCForum, eXgae, La
Quadrature du Net, P2P Foundation, European Digital Rights, Electronic
Frontier Foundation, Scambioetico, Open Standards Alliance, Red SOStenible,
Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure Spain, Creative Commons
Spain, have organized *a coordinated protest campaign* against the Informal
Meeting of Ministers of Culture of the European Union that will take place
on March 30 and 31 in Barcelona, Spain.

Although only the cultural industry have been invited to the ministerial
event, the creative community and civil society have organised three days of
activities to show the culture that we propose for the digital era: *a model
of culture that benefits everybody – citizens, creators and entrepreneurs –
a model that stimulates creativity and not just collection, and, above all,
a model that does not attack the Internet.*

Citizens have already rolled their sleeves up and got down to work,

The lobbying actions have started *today* with the mail-out of a letter to
the Ministers of Culture of the 27 countries of the European Union, inviting
them to attend the citizen-organized events that we are preparing for them.
It will continue *every day* with the online spreading of information that
will undoubtedly prove useful to European Ministers and Members of
Parliament. And it will *culminate on March 29.30.31* in 3 days of physical
and streamed events in Barcelona, with highlights including a citizen press
conference at one of the city’s historic square, adjacent to the venue where
the meeting of the Ministers will take place.

*Everybody can participate starting today:

*First action today:
Invite the Ministers and Members of Parliament:
(It is important to send it to Ministers from the other countries too,
because it attracts their attention when they receive requests for an
audience before a trip abroad, and it is bound to make them discuss it among
themselves. This increases the  pressure and the likelihood of criticisms).
We know they have already received hundreds of Letters from Spain, where the
action have begun yesterday.

 Tomorrow, the next batch ;)


*Stop ACTA*
//Please spread this e-mail, it's another way of supporting this initiative.

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