[p2p-research] : Re: The Thorny Triangle: Cyber Conflict

Matt Boggs matt at digiblade.com
Tue Mar 16 17:21:58 CET 2010

Or rephrased; if you can't grow 'as' a carrot, you are not a
carrot\vegetable. Honestly though, I do see your point in the context of'
its easy making and commenting on these statements from the comfort of our
keyboards.' Even if we actually live by example to our peers, we are only
trickling down a little bit, but, I do still believe in the 100th monkey


Importantly, one might say: If you can't grow a carrot, you are a
vegetable. Access to land is prior to any and all of these questions,
which remain mere luxuries unless you can grow your own food for
survival - indeed, dabbling in these questions while people are being
evicted from their land all over the world to grow biofuel for
cyberspace electricity, extract minerals for conductors and cables and
so on, is a displacement act devoid of solidarity with those who suffer
the consequences of our little virtual playground.


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