[p2p-research] Fwd: Chaos Computer Club SIGINT 2010 Call for Participation

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Fri Mar 12 21:27:22 CET 2010


we are the conference organization team of the Chaos Computer Club [4].
This e-mail contains the Call for Participation for the upcoming
SIGINT 2010 that is about to take place at the end of May in
Cologne, Germany.

Attached you will find the SIGINT 2010 Call for Participation [5] which
outlines what SIGINT 2010 will be about and what to do if you want to apply
for a lecture to be included in the program. Please note our official
deadline is March 26, 2010, 23:59 CET. There are only three weeks left!

Even if you are not planning to give a lecture yourself we kindly ask
you to pass the CfP along to friends, communities, public mailing lists
or other channels that you might think are appropriate and that might
address people who are willing to give a lecture at our event.

Please get back to us at sigint10 at cccv.de for all requests that are
related to the conference program in general.

The SIGINT 2010 Content Team
Chaos Computer Club

[4] http://www.ccc.de
[5] https://events.ccc.de/sigint/2010/wiki/CFP


 SIGINT 2010 Call for Papers

Saturday May 22, Sunday May 23, and Monday May 24, 2010

Location: Komed Im Mediapark, Cologne, Germany. Address: Im Mediapark 7,
Cologne, Germany‎

Important dates

   * Submission deadline for contributions March 26, 2010, 23:59 CET
   * Earliest acceptance notification March 29, 2010
   * Latest notification of speaker acceptance April 19, 2010
   * Schedule completed by May 1, 2010

SIGINT - the "facts"
What?   A conference for hackers, Internet residents and activists.
Who?    Organized by the Chaos Computer Club, one of the largest and most
influential hacker organizations in Europe.
Where?  In Cologne. In western Germany, just south of the Ruhr area, just
over the border for all residents of the Netherlands, Belgium, and
Luxembourg, and easy to reach for the rest of the world.

SIGINT - with regards to the eavesdropping of signals (signal intelligence)
- understood as shorthand by Unix Geeks as "signal interrupt"; you might
want to look for SIGINT in /usr/include/asm/signal.h in your own Linux
source. The conference searches to define itself between these two meanings.
Therefore SIGINT is about finding the relevant signals in a stream of
information, their relevance in their specific context, and what marks this
information as valuable inside chaotic noise.

SIGINT is searching for lectures, keynote speeches and performances to
create a common platform for detecting and reflecting such signals.
Discussions and workshops should give all participants the opportunity to
become actively involved.
What it is

The world of atoms and the world of bits operate on completely different
levels. Where they come together (and that happens more often lately), there
are tensions in society, opportunity and chaos that must be explored.

The importance of intangible things is growing while reducing production
costs. Traditional markets expand in the virtual space, the music industry
makes its money off ringtones and ideas materialize in physical form out of
the 3D printer while popular modern sociological concepts such as the
working class are completely exported to China. Identities are constructed
in social networks regardless of nationality or gender, and yet there is
still the world of things and the Internet printouts as contemporary
counterparts. It is precisely this loss of barriers which on one hand breeds
the total surveillance state and on the other allows the individuals
offering hitherto unknown possibilities of development, to the horizon and
much more.

It is about new and old spaces. In the digital counter gentrification, in
the dispute over the boundaries of the city - where is the new and the old,
a power struggle takes place. "Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't
take the [Net] from me": It is that frontier and its spirit, the driving
force behind progress and reaction that we employ at SIGINT. It is about
hiding and ninjas, open seas and pirates, but especially about the console
cowboys, cowgirls, whomever else, and to the limitless uncharted territory,
where signals are not stopped and the sun is never reflected on the monitor.

We want to engage actively with events regarding the German speaking
countries and in Europe, here we have the following issues of particular

   * High-speed Internet and society - impact and motivation
   * Individual rights in the present
         o Social networks, phototagging
         o Does the Internet never forget?
   * Bitrot
         o Where is that stuff from five years ago?, The digital apocalypse
   * File sharing networks
         o ACTA, compensation models, copyright
   * Individual transport
         o License plate scanners, link controlled cars, GPS devices
   * Knowledge and education
         o Wikipedia, e-learning
         o Google Books: the last library
   * Biohacking
         o Who owns genetic data?
         o Bodyhacking, hearing aids and prosthetics
   * Critical analysis of elite groups or individuals in the digital space
   * The realities of CCTV
   * Man and information overload, man as a producer and consumer of
         o Attention economy, paranoia
         o Signal to noise ratio
         o "Make public data available, protect private data"?
         o Media literacy and digital self defense
   * Retro futurism, historical ideas about the future
   * Encryption
         o Social areas of action and consequences of dual-use
   * Ubiquitous computing
   * Man and malware
   * GSM networks

This list is to be understood as a stimulus for your creative ideas. Our
dialogue is to extend across a wide breadth of the digital landscape and we
will examine each submission of interest with benevolence. We must however
also make a selection. Surprise us!

All entries must be via our online presentation submission system at
https://cccv.pentabarf.org/submission/SIGINT10. Please follow the
instructions given there. If you have questions about your submission,
contact us at sigint10 at cccv.de, do NOT send your presentation proposal by

Please add the following information to your submission:

   * Your name or a nickname or a pseudonym, exactly how you want your name
to appear on our website and in publications.
   * The title of your submission.
   * A short biography of you or your group, as far as it relates to your
   * A picture of you (optional).
   * A brief description / summary with what you will present or perform.
   * A more detailed description of your topic.
   * Any additional Audio/Video requirements.
   * A reliable email address where you can be reached.

Conference languages are German and English. Register and submit in the
language (German or English) in which you yourself feel most comfortable.
Location and Technology

SIGINT will be held at the conference center Komed in the Cologne Media
Park, which is beautifully situated on a lake in the middle of the city. Two
modern buildings provide space for presentations and room for ideas.

The main presentation rooms will contain at least the following equipment:

   * A laptop computer (you can also bring your own).
   * Video projector with a standard VGA connection (Note to Mac users:
please bring your appropriate adapter to VGA).
   * Projection screen or canvas.
   * Whiteboard and pens, or other suitable writing surface.
   * Microphone and Audio Line-in and a small amplification system.
   * Video and audio recording of your presentation.
   * At least one power outlet at your disposal.

Should you need something that is not listed above, please include your
needs in your submission. We can probably provide almost everything with
regards to AV equipment.

We will record your talk and put it online. Please let us know in advance if
you do not want your presentation recorded.
Notification and Reimbursement

Speakers will be notified of acceptance up to April 19, 2010.

SIGINT is a non-profit event; the lecturers are not paid. Financial
assistance for travel and accommodation is possible. It must however be
decided after submission. Do not hesitate to mention any need when
submitting your lecture and we will think of something!

You can find the preliminary agenda and additional information on our
website at https://sigint.ccc.de/.

Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Think thank:

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens
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