[p2p-research] peers and christians, rome and Empire

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 22:03:01 CET 2010

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To: Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com>

Daniel sent you a message.

Subject: Institutionalizing P2P

I think p2p is a strong metaphor for describing the logic of networks (and
very likely the logic of a networked 21st c) but the platforms of all these
growing circuits are managed by administrative agents (...ultimately
states). And P2P has no state logic.

Let me add your analogy to flesh this out. Until Rome took up Christianity
as a state religion it had little impact and little formal logic. It was a
cult. As an imperial power with a highly developed bureaucracy Rome was able
to transform Christianity into a formal institution. Like Christianity, p2p
will remain a cult until it is institutionalized by some state or group of
states. But that won't happen without a series of texts/blueprints outlining
what this institutionalization might look like. It took something like 60
odd years to bring neoliberalism into power and I suspect p2p will take even
longer. This is largely because the kind of people it attracts are mostly on
the political and cultural fringe.

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