[p2p-research] Fwd: [fcforum] Re: Re: Google Italy bosses found guilty

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 17:48:03 CET 2010

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Eddan Katz <eddan at eff.org>
Date: Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 4:07 PM
Subject: [fcforum] Re: Re: Google Italy bosses found guilty
To: fcforum at list.fcforum.net

Of interest to those following the Google Three story, the Global Network
Initiative (http://www.globalnetworkinitiative.org/) put out its statement
regarding the case today. (http:// -
http://www.globalnetworkinitiative.org/issues/Google_Italy.php) GNI is an
institution of major tech companies, and human rights and digital rights
NGOs (including EFF) - to establish practices around the world that promote
freedom of expression and privacy. EFF's blog post immediately following the
verdict is at
We are waiting for the opinion to be published to further comment on it.

Also of interest for discussion/reaction on the case is Marc Rotenberg of
EPIC's editorial on the Privacy Issues in the Google Video case.

I have a research question, that hopefully some of the Italian speakers
could answer. I have heard that there was apparently a history regarding the
Milanese prosecutor bringing this case about Google's refusal to cooperate
with the data retention he had demanded of them. Can anyone confirm or deny

On Feb 25, 2010, at 6:45 AM, jaromil wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 01:49:29AM -0800, Eddan Katz wrote:
>> Does anyone have any further information on the Vividown case?
> in a public declaration to journalists the persecutors said:
> "Con questo processo abbiamo posto un problema serio, ossia la tutela
> della  persona umana  che  deve prevalere  sulla  logica di  impresa"
> affermano il procuratore  aggiunto di Milano Alfredo Robledo  e il pm
> Francesco Cajani.
> quickly translated in:
> "We like to pose a serious  problem: the protection of a human person
> has to prevail on the logics of an enterprise"
> this is something they said out of the court and that gives some hints
> about their passionate dedication to the case.
> they basically affirm that is an "enterprise logic" to publish a video
> about  pupils  beating their  colleague  affect  by  autism (not  dawn
> syndrome) in front of their class.
> actually lets  not forget those  kids enacted the nazi  salute writing
> the SS  symbol on the chalkboard,  while their professor  was away. so
> again and again let me say fascism is a serious problem in Italy and a
> public  space cannot  be  responsible for  hosting deviant  behaviour:
> going  this way  we'll end  up investing  more into  surveillance than
> education (ops, but we are doing it already!)
> for the record, this is an  article about the episode when it happened
> in 2006
> http://www.repubblica.it/2006/11/sezioni/cronaca/video-down/scuola-piemontese/scuola-piemontese.html
> [1] http://www.mail-archive.com/nettime-l@kein.org/msg01708.html
> ciao
> - --
> jaromil, dyne.org developer, http://jaromil.dyne.org
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Work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dhurakij_Pundit_University - Think thank:

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