[p2p-research] does this correspond to your experience of contemporary youth?

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Mon Mar 1 23:30:55 CET 2010

Hey Ryan

On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 8:04 PM, Ryan Lanham <rlanham1963 at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 6:02 PM, Ted Smith <teddks at gmail.com> wrote:
>> As a contemporary youth, my impression of this article is that it's the
>> sort of "the sky is falling" crap that has plagued humanity since the
>> dawn of post-simianity. The fact that the author refers to a child as an
>> 'it' in the last paragraph is an interesting slip.
>> On Sun, 2010-02-28 at 18:51 +0700, Michel Bauwens wrote:
>> >
>> > http://generationbubble.com/2010/02/26/millennial-tension-the-generation-y-work-ethic-and-the-spirit-of-capitalism/
> I'm not sure the Gen Y'ers are devoid of greed.  My guess is that they don't
> have good opportunities.  People basically seem hardwired in most cases to
> accumulate.  We'd have to learn to not accumulate.  I'm always doubtful of
> large scale solutions that require learning rather than greed or access to
> sex.

While I respect and understand what you are saying here, I think there
is no turning back from learning now. The nature of many-to-many
mediums could actually reward cooperation/symbiosis in many cases. In
the evolution of living things, we see symbiosis and cooperative
behavior emerge where the ecology rewards it (thus it is learned).

> The message that isn't getting through is that the old ways simply aren't
> going to continue.  It sort of bemuses me that people are making this about
> choice.  It isn't.  It is about necessity.  The world isn't going to net
> accumulate in real currency terms for decades more.  When it stops, times
> get interesting.  I'd like to live long enough to see how it comes out.
>  Most baby boomers think the opposite.  They want to live short enought to
> not see it.

Sam Rose
Forward Foundation
Social Synergy
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
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email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

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