[p2p-research] Fwd: [fcforum] Coyright used for heavy censorship in Italy

Pamela McLean pam54321 at googlemail.com
Mon Mar 1 10:18:43 CET 2010

Ref the start of this thread:  "The facts:- Marco Travaglio is a leading
journalist (awarded with the german prize
for journalism in 2009 for his worthiness in the fight for the freedom
of press in Italy) who brings to the italian audience inquiries and
research about politicians and government;"

P2P members may be interested in additional context, regarding the political
background, activism and the use of the Internet for mobilisation. For these
reasons I forward the two emails below from an Italian friend.

Pamela McLean

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Maria Agnese Giraudo <mariaagnesegiraudo at yahoo.it>
Date: 27 February 2010 09:06
Subject: [learnhowtolearn] I: Updating on corruption in Italy

Dear friend,

I would like you to be informed that Italy democracy is in worse situation
and serious danger due to corruption and overpower of Berlusconi and right
xenophobe people in his government (Lega party). We need a big change, we
need to protect and develop our democracy in a multiethnic country!
The case of Lawyer Mills  bribed by Premier Silvio Berlusconi has stopped
due  bureaucratic reasons of time duration of this case.

Berlusconi lawyers are working to present new  laws in the parlement to
prevent him to go in front of the court.
I forward you below  information about recent cases of corruptions.
What happens is *a national mobilization of  Civil Society* *only by
Facebook and Blogs/Email/sms* since December 2009.  Today demonstration in
Rome, A self financed mobilization!




 We would like to unify our mobilization with the *Strike of foreigners
working in Italy  on the 1 March 2010. *
together with  foreigners working in France.

Thanks for your  understanding and participation!

Please spread these news!

All the best!

Maria Agnese Giraudo

----- Messaggio inoltrato -----
*Da:* Maria Agnese Giraudo <mariaagnesegiraudo at yahoo.it>
*A:* Jeff Buderer <jeff at onevillagefoundation.org>; Peter Burgess <
peterbnyc at gmail.com>; christopher macrae <chris.macrae at yahoo.co.uk>; Andrius
Kulikauskas <ms at ms.lt>; Kennedy Owino <nafsiafricaacro at yahoo.com>; Crispinus
Ouma Pamba <cpambake at yahoo.com>
*Inviato:* Gio 25 febbraio 2010, 18:16:33
*Oggetto:* Corruption in Italy

Some update about corruption in Italy

Mr Di Girolamo elected by Mafia to help Mafia
Corruption of Civil Protection

Money laundering  by Telecom -Fastweb company 2billioneuro!!!
Is it  enough?
I go to demonstrate against Berlusconi goverment saturday 27 Febr
01 I go to demonstrate for immigrates working in Italy
Please spread these news! We need to be colonized, invaded! Or we need now
people inside the country have more power, like immigrants, they can push
for a revolution!
Maria Agnese
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On 1 March 2010 02:46, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:

> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Paolo Brini <paolo.brini at iridiumpg.com>
> Date: Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 6:41 AM
> Subject: [fcforum] Coyright used for heavy censorship in Italy
> To:
> Hello.
> The facts:
> - Marco Travaglio is a leading journalist (awarded with the german prize
> for journalism in 2009 for his worthiness in the fight for the freedom
> of press in Italy) who brings to the italian audience inquiries and
> research about politicians and government;
> - Marco Travaglio uses to put online on YouTube his recorded
> speech/inquiries etc.;
> - there is another ongoing trial against Google in Italy: Mediaset vs.
> Google;
> - the tribunal of Rome appointed an expert qualified witness to check
> filtering systems of YouTube (ContentID) and forced Google to give him
> high privileges access to YouTube in order to perform tests;
> - the expert witness starts testing and, among millions and millions of
> video, a few days ago deletes a video of journalist Marco Travaglio
> talking about Bertolaso (chief of Civil Protection for emergencies in
> Italy) suspected by authorities for corruption but strongly defended by
> Mr. Berlusconi, President of the Council of Ministers in Italy;
> - the deletion is performed for "copyright infringement";
> - Google states that it has not been notified of the deletion;
> - thanks to the team of Mr. Beppe Grillo and a lot of pressure, Google
> gets aware of the situation and restores the video, which obviously does
> not infringe copyright.
> This is, besides a suspected deliberate act of censorship, yet another,
> clear and real world example in Europe about how a notice-and-takedown
> regime or any copyright system aimed to take down contents without a
> prior and proper judicial overview IS and WILL BE abused, both by
> private and public actors, and is and will be used for censorship.
> http://beppegrillo.it/2010/02/travaglio_oscurato_per_copyright/index.html
> Kind regards,
> Paolo Brini
> -----
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> --
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