[p2p-research] introducing samuel bowles

Mamading Ceesay mamading at gmail.com
Wed Jun 30 00:07:08 CEST 2010

On 29 June 2010 18:21, Kevin Carson
<free.market.anticapitalist at gmail.com> wrote:
> David M. Gordon, in Fat and Mean, found a very high correlation
> between economic inequality (specifically between the pay of top
> management and typical line workers inside the corporation), and the
> proportion of employees in supervisory/managerial positions.  The
> stagnation of worker pay and the shift of most compensation to those
> at the top (the shrinking carrot) create increased agency and
> incentive problems that make the stick more necessary for disciplining
> the labor force.  Economic inequality within the corporation
> inevitably leads to internal authoritarianism, as what Oliver
> Williamson calls "compunctory compliance" and petty sabotage by
> increasingly disgruntled workers make it essential to keep them under
> constant surveillance.

Picking up on the economic inequality within the corporation and the
resulting behaviour of top management, this is a striking piece:

Executive Compensation: The More Leaders Make, the Meaner They Get

Mamading Ceesay
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