[p2p-research] FYI: hi! things i'm into

mrc eskerda at hacklaviva.net
Sat Jun 26 20:11:29 CEST 2010

hi, new subscriber here.[0]

i'm into the build up of apps in this way:

http://sharewiki.org/en/Free_projects  (trendy keyword, isn't it? :)
it is an original directed barter+etc plot.

this one has just started, it's kind of vaporware for now. but with a good

where this
http://publicprivateproperty.org/wiki/Invitation is probably the best bet.
please review, comment, etc.

i have also developed many tasty docs, most in spanish, about fair
exchange or barter. which im planing to translate into english when i'll
find a suitable wiki. i most than welcome criticism towards the fair
exchange concept, as i am a very critic person with the ambiguity of the
commons and the sharing when they are not shareful. (tends to be
oversubjectively interpreted, so unconsistent).
in fact, i dont believe in exchange i guess.. or it's barter or it's a
swindle.... maybe not need for adding fair to barter. and there is free
barter too!


[0] i'm a mail filterless man, so
a) i'll be browsing the archives and sending some bumps for threads and/or
b) sending randoms without reading the archive as a mad poet would do. to
add a bit of fun, ok?

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