[p2p-research] How it goes with the wikipedia project

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Sat Jun 26 14:55:02 CEST 2010

Hi Caro,

Already posted on Ning and I'm asking Chris in cc to post it in our regular
blog as well, July 3 or after,


On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 5:57 PM, carolina botero <carobotero at gmail.com>wrote:

> I want to keep you all informed so, here it goes a small summary of the
> project that we all know about.
> http://www.deportes.gov.co/escuelavirtualdedeportes/
> This was thought initially as a traditional open virtual school devoted to
> Colombian sports trainners to improve and share their knowledges on the idea
> that this will improve some sports public policies especially related with
> social and health issues, by using elearning strategies. However,
> considering the web 2.0 capabilities some changes were mande and with the
> introduction of open ideas (especially the OER concept to the content) they
> realized the impact could go really beyond this initial audience and goal. I
> will like to point out some things about this project:
> a. It is about sports, this gaves it a very broad and bottom up community
> to work with that, is really a lot more than just education and trainners.
> It has to be with many audiences: children, teachers, sport fans, small
> practitians groups, leagues, etc. It has to be with education and sports,
> but also with health, hobbies, social impact, public ideas in general
> (funds, policies...) etc.
> Surprisingly there is not that much of information on sports on the
> Internet (especially in spanish) in the way the school is doing it so there
> was certainly a niche to work with.
> b. Their contents were all licensed with ccbysa with the primary intention
> to allow Internet dissemination especially through wikipedia
> The EVD has already included a lot of content to wikimedia projects as you
> can see in
> http://es.wikibooks.org/wiki/Wikilibros:Escuela_Virtual_de_Deportes
> Or their content that is in wikimedia commons
> The main idea is to build a community that will distribute this content and
> use it for all purposes from trainning to what ever is good for them (normal
> education curriculum, selflearning, etc). The idea is to provide good
> quality material that can be modified and localized as people need (not just
> Colombians and not just trainers).
> Right now a bus is going around Colombian countryside showing the EVD and
> the projects to see how different people could use the content
> http://laexpediciondeportiva.blogspot.com/
> c. It is a public funded project (money has been until now from
> Coldeportes, Colombian authority on this field) that wants to increase
> impact through Internet, they want to effectively talk about public
> resources being publicly available. Especially because they believe that
> this strategy will work better on public policy goals for their special
> sector, will guaranty preservation of the material even if they can not keep
> the budget (Internet platforms will still host the content -wikipedia
> especially-, community will continue using and updating the contents, etc,),
> while they can focus on their main audiences (right now Colombian trainners
> on the different sports and Colombian schools)
> In fact in the educational sector for instance, EVD (Escuela Virtual de
> Deportes) is willing to have an impact on the sports field similar to that
> of MIT OCW. Because the material could be used by schools and other
> educational and training institutions even if they charge for their
> services, they want it to be used, reused and increased by others relying on
> open model structures.
> Soon not just the material will be out and circulating but the school will
> have real "open courses" tha will be available even for self evaluation
> (there will be guides to provide you with the tips to create your portafolio
> of evaluation if you follow the course)
> Today´s goal is to be able to build a community that could develop it´s own
> sosteinability environment for the content.
> d. This week the Campus Party (lan party that takes place for the 3rd year
> in Bogota www.campus-party.com.co/campusblog.html) will start, I am in
> charge of the web2,0 area, and there is a group of Colombian Wikipedians
> that will be attending the event: we will have a workshop on editing content
> and wikipedia, we will promote the wikimedia Colombian future group, we want
> to increase colombian material in wikimedia projects (especially spanish
> wikipedia) and we will do this by using the EVD content,
> For this purpose some contests will take place and Coldeportes is giving
> away 5 prizes (tickets to events in Bogota) for assistants:
> - to develop better tools to upload material to wikipedia (ie for groups of
> movies),
> - to improve access to the content (subtittles for the videos),
> - to remix material,
> - to improve spanish wikipedia content with the material.
> As you see it is a nice project and not very common in this region, I am
> know starting to do all to turn this into a special collection inside the
> wikimedia projects and will need to arrange information to promote it..., so
> please jump in if you can help. Teemu, how do you think I can proceed now on
> the collection procedure?
> carolina
> --
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> --
> http://www.karisma.org.co/carobotero
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