[p2p-research] Wiki Content License

j.martin.pedersen m.pedersen at lancaster.ac.uk
Thu Jun 24 17:14:23 CEST 2010

On 24/06/10 15:59, Alex Rollin wrote:
> For those who contend that this license does not serve their needs, I
> wonder, is it possible that you might write a quick narrative that
> shows how this license impinges on your needs?  A few sentences about
> a scenario, say?
> I write on the wiki with the intention of being able to consult or
> implement solutions based on them, and I do this as a means of
> enabling my fellows in the network.  I think I just don't know if this
> causes a problem with selling 'the Work' as a book (to cover costs,
> for example).  Is this the case?  That might, I suppose, be a bad
> thing.
> If I write on the wiki am I assigning all rights to the Foundation?
> What if it is published on my site first?

These are good questions!

The P2P could just issue a sub-sub-clause to copyright (or a sub-clause
to Copyleft, which is of course merely sub-clauses to copyright) stating
what kind of commercial activity that the foundation would not enforce
their exclusive right against. Here is a text I once wrote many years
ago for a film I co-directed/co-produced:

"The non-commercial clause is just to establish a clear boundary with
profit made for profit's sake within a regime of exclusive private
property rights. If you are on our side, that is the side of anarchists,
dreamers, diggers, and explorers of the benevolent kind, feel VERY FREE
to use this film to collect money for your community projects, activist
campaigns or other noble attempts to save the world from the rich."


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