[p2p-research] From Sea to Shining Sea: “Non-Invasive Data Governance”™ is Invading the Globe

Ryan rlanham1963 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 22 20:55:07 CEST 2010

  Sent to you by Ryan via Google Reader: From Sea to Shining Sea:
“Non-Invasive Data Governance”™ is Invading the Globe via DataFlux
Community of Experts by Robert S. Seiner on 6/22/10

Thank you everybody for welcoming me to the Community of Experts. I
hope to keep the blog interesting and thought-provoking. Please chime
in whenever you feel the urge.

These past several weeks and months have been incredible for me. I have
been from sea to shining sea, one side of the United States to the
other. I have been to the great white north (Canada), the baseball
player incubator (Dominican Republic) and the land of many biers
(Germany). Time only knows where my next adventure will take me.

People and businesses from coast to coast and from country to country
are very different from each other. But there is one consistency that I
am seeing no matter where people and businesses are located. They all
have problems getting the most out of their data. You and your company
may be one of those that are having difficulties. Across the globe and
to address data problems, data governance is HOT. This truth became
more obvious by the growth in attendance at the Data Governance
Conference 2010 in San Diego a few weeks ago.

People across the globe are looking for a practical and pragmatic way
to govern their data. Insert “Non-Invasive Data Governance”™. This
approach that I use for data governance has become internationally
accepted as a viable option for formalizing behavior around the
definition, production and usage of data focused on improving the
quality, usability and value of data. If you are not familiar with the
non-invasive approach, let me use this blog to introduce you to the

Rather than restating what I have written before about this approach to
data governance, allow me first to state the definition that I use to
describe “Non-Invasive Data Governance” to organizations:

“Non-Invasive Data Governance”™ is:
– The practice of applying:

- formal accountability and process through roles and responsibilities
- to existing informal accountability and process
- to assure that the definition, production and usage of data
- consistently provides quality, compliance, security, privacy and
– “Non-invasive” describes how governance is applied to assure
non-threatening management of valuable “information assets.”

– The goal of “Non-Invasive Data Governance”™ is to be:

- Transparent
- Supportive
- Collaborative
If you have any questions about this definition, perhaps these links
will help to fill in the blanks. Feel free to comment and ask questions
about the articles and the approach as well:

- “Non-Invasive Data Governance”™: A Message for You to Take to
- “Non-Invasive Data Governance”™ Explained
- The “Non-Invasive Data Governance”™ Operating Model
- What Does It Mean to ‘Govern Data’?
Look for the next installment of my blog to start picking off,
one-by-one, the most important issues that you and your organization
will want to consider as you embrace the subject of data governance and
decide what will be the best solution for this discipline in your

Until then… continue to visit the Community of Experts to see what
words of wisdom are shared.

Things you can do from here:
- Subscribe to DataFlux Community of Experts using Google Reader
- Get started using Google Reader to easily keep up with all your
favorite sites
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