[p2p-research] Network Politics: Objects, Subjects and New Political Affects

Michel Bauwens michelsub2004 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 16 07:19:40 CEST 2010

 hi chris,

can you also publish this on our regular blog as well ? see
    Exploring New Configurations of Network

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Call for Papers, Network Politics: Objects, Subjects and New Political
 Call for Papers

Network Politics: Objects, Subjects and New Political Affects October 22-23,
Ryerson University, Toronto Canada

A Symposium co-sponsored by the AHRC funded “New Configurations of Network
Politics” project at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge UK, and the
Infoscape Centre for the Study of Social Media, Ryerson University, Canada

In the network age, the question of political agency is becoming
increasingly troublesome, with a pressing need to reflect upon how
collective distributed networks as well as non-human actants re-define the
field of the political.

This symposium will investigate what counts as a political object or
, and how such objects/subjects circulate and are controlled in the
context of developing critical approaches to networked politics.

The symposium seeks to build upon object-oriented philosophy, which has
shifted the language of coding and programming into the domain of
‘tool-being’. In so doing a correlate possibility of a ‘web’ of
subject-oriented objects emerges, opened up by hyper-personalized web
services and control techniques that shape and recombine pseudo-subjects
from the bio-political detritus of data-mining software and algorithmic
protocols. In the face of such new assemblages, what sites, actants, and
tactics potentially reinvent new political affects?

The symposium welcomes interventions on related questions and topics that
answer or complicate the notion of the ‘objects’ and ‘subjects’ of network
politics. The symposium seeks paper proposals that touch upon the following
set of themes:

- Theories and case studies of object/subject-oriented politics

- Networking of political artifacts: politicizing “participatory culture”

- New epistemologies for networked politics

- Politics 2.0: personalization, customization and surveillance

- Activist platforms and recursive publics

The event takes place October 22 & 23, 2010 at Ryerson University, Toronto
and is co-hosted by the Infoscape Centre for the Study of Social Media and
the AHRC funded project New Configurations of Network
Politics<http://www.networkpolitics.org/>at Anglia Ruskin University,
Cambridge UK.


Paper proposals (400 words): due 2 August, 2010
Acceptances: August 15, 2010

Please email proposals to Network Politics
Project<contact at networkpolitics.org>or directly contact  Jussi
Parikka <jussi.parikka at anglia.ac.uk>  and/or Joss
Hands<joss.hands at anglia.ac.uk>. For other inquiries about the event
please contact Greg
Elmer <gelmer at ryerson.ca>.

Symposium programming commmittee: Jussi Parikka (Anglia Ruskin U.), Joss
Hands (Anglia Ruskin U.), Greg Elmer (Ryerson University), Ganaele Langlois
(U. of Ontario Institute of Technology), and Alessandra Renzi (Ryerson

P2P Foundation: http://p2pfoundation.net  - http://blog.p2pfoundation.net

Connect: http://p2pfoundation.ning.com; Discuss:

Updates: http://del.icio.us/mbauwens; http://friendfeed.com/mbauwens;
http://twitter.com/mbauwens; http://www.facebook.com/mbauwens

Think tank: http://www.asianforesightinstitute.org/index.php/eng/The-AFI
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