[p2p-research] Fwd: UK...big society small gov't

Mamading Ceesay mamading at gmail.com
Sun Jun 13 19:59:42 CEST 2010

On 13 June 2010 05:36, Michel Bauwens <michelsub2004 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I have been following, but not closely enough, how the UK 'right' is also
> taking up p2p approaches, partly inspired by the Red Toryism of Phillip
> Blond,
> however, as indicated below, people on the left are understandably weary
> that this is a front for saving on public expenditures, similar to
> outsourcing self-service by businesses ... and this not just from the
> statist left but also from the p2p left ...

At London Creative Labs, we are well aware of Red Toryism and the Big
Society agenda.  We are starting to engage more in the Big Society
debate as it provides a context which makes our approach more relevant
and viable to policymakers and decisionmakers.  Indeed, we have
already gained the attention of ResPublica (thanks to a bit of
judicious blogging), see the third paragraph here:

It is our intention in due course to engage with ResPublica & other
relevant organisations.  We will also participate in the Lambeth
Cooperative Council effort, despite previous bad experiences with
Lambeth Council.

The concern over whether Big Society is a front for cuts to public
spending are justifiable and shared by myself.  However, LCL is taking
the tack that it provides an opportunity to advance its agenda that
should be taken.

Right now, our immediate focus is our first major event the Social
Startup Labs which is taking place this Tuesday in London.  We believe
that this is a prototype for a innovative, powerful approach for
addressing challenges related to Welfare-To-Work and community

Mamading Ceesay
Social and Technological Innovation in the Global Public Interest

London Creative Labs: http://londoncreativelabs.com

Will you be at Social Startup Labs on 15th June?
Sign up at http://socialstartuplabs.com

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