[p2p-research] Debugging our Code of Conduct (was: Junto and a possible "social software stack")

Patrick Anderson agnucius at gmail.com
Sat Jun 12 02:09:07 CEST 2010

Created http://Appropedia.org/GNP_Physical_Sharing_License with the
text of Sepp's email for now.

As this discussion continues I will need show why we must treat Profit
more carefully than just hoping it doesn't exist, but that is usually
a party killer so will wait until it is necessary.

What I'm suggesting is mostly the same idea as "Customer Owned
Networks" but generalized to be used in all types of production.

Here are some references of what others have to say about this Property Model.


''According to Metcalfe's Law, the value of an internet connection
rises with the number of users on the network. However, the phone
companies do not get to raise their prices in return for that increase
in value. This is a matter of considerable frustration to them.

The economic logic of the market suggests that capital should be
invested by whoever captures the value of the investment. The
telephone companies are using that argument to suggest that they
should either be given monopoly pricing power over the last mile, or
that they should be allowed to vertically integrate content with
conduit. Either strategy would allow them to raise prices by locking
out the competition, thus restoring their coercive power over the
customer and helping them extract new revenues from their internet
subscribers.'' -- http://Shirky.com/writings/zapmail.html


''What's the best way to ensure "net neutrality?" Tim Wu, the Columbia
Law School professor and Toronto native who first coined the term, has
a simple suggestion: customer ownership of internet connections. Could
consumers own their internet connections?'' --


''CA * net 4 is similar to the first mini-computer: instead of being
invoiced and bandwidth use, the consumer takes possession of the
network, it controls totally. He can do absolutely what he wants with
the network. Rather than pay each time the user "buys" the network
once and for all.'' --
More from Bill St Arnaud:


Some are trying to create local wireless networks owned by the users
such as http://www.indybay.org/newsitems/2009/06/22/18603456.php or
the VillageTelco/MeshPotato guys, etc.


Google is considering helping the customer own the "last mile" of the
internet connection through "Homes with Tails"

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