[p2p-research] Seizure of BP assets = Public Domain Renewable Energy Tech?

Samuel Rose samuel.rose at gmail.com
Thu Jun 3 22:22:17 CEST 2010

On Thu, Jun 3, 2010 at 12:20 PM, Richard Schulte
<Richard.J.Schulte at gmail.com> wrote:
> As folks accross the country call for the seizure of BP's assetts in order
> to recoup the long term cost of the accident
> (http://www.pephost.org/site/PageServer?pagename=SeizeBPCaseForSeizure&AddInterest=4221),
> there are some wonderful implications given the multitudies of IP of which
> BP is the owner.
> Why not propose a long term program in which, following the seizure, BP's
> patented renewable energy technologies and other sustainability related
> technologies could be licensed under the public domain, and could be
> leveraged as micro-entrepreneurship assets funded by the recovered financial
> assets of BP?  This could provide some strong employment alternatives to
> devastated coastal communities, who may find that vital tourism, fishing,
> and other related industries will take years or even decades to recover.
> This could really be a great opportunity to heavily seed the renewable
> energy tech design commons as well, and bring it to scale quite quickly.
> What do you all think?

I think it is a great idea. Guessing that it would need the support of
at least tens of millions of people to come to actual fruition. I
think this is possible given how many are outraged. I am thinking
it'll need to be pushed by the really widespread channels (moveon.org,
etc) This is an election year in the US, so certain politicians might
also see an opportunity in what you are suggesting...

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Sam Rose
Future Forward Institute and Forward Foundation
Tel:+1(517) 639-1552
Cel: +1-(517)-974-6451
skype: samuelrose
email: samuel.rose at gmail.com

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