[p2p-research] Role of civil society

j.martin.pedersen m.pedersen at lancaster.ac.uk
Wed Jun 2 17:27:38 CEST 2010

On 02/06/10 14:30, Ryan Lanham wrote:
> I have worked in non-profit, universities, for profit and government.  I
> really see very little ethical difference between any of these.  Top people
> are typically ambitious and have conflicting motivations.  Junior people are
> generally trod upon, quick to slack off, and lacking in long-term
> commitment.

They are indeed all the same from an anarchist perspective. Try radical
social movements and local anarchist struggles for an alternative. There
are many people and groups out there who stay dedicated to
non-hierarchical resistance their whole lives. Not enough, but this kind
of statement quite simply writes them out of the equation entirely, as
if they didn't exist, thus lacking, in this context, the most important
potential for change.

The way global civil society is being conceptualised by Keane, Kaldor et
al. is a status quo oriented, oppressive pacifism.

There is much more to the story.

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